Is this Hadith authentic?
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever engages in good deeds in the latter part of his life, his past sins will be forgiven, but whoever commits vice and sin in the latter part of his life [without repenting], then he will be held accountable for the past and the remaining part of the life.”
Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) has recorded this Hadith on the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Dharr (radiyallahu ‘anhu).
(Al Mu’jamul Awsat, Hadith: 6802)
‘Allamah Mundhiri and ‘Allamah Haythami (rahimahumallah) have declared the chain sound (hasan).
(Targhib, vol. 4 pg. 105, Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 10 pg. 202)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.
Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala
Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar
Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar