24 April 2014
Reference for the Hadith of spending one huqb in Jahannam
Question Is there a reference for this Hadith apart from being in Fadail A'mal? A person neglecting his Salah shall remain in Jahannam for a period of one Huqb
24 April 2014
The benefit of Trade
Question In Fadhail-tijarat, Hadrat Shaykh Zakariyya (rahimahullah) quoted the hadith, "Nine tenths of sustenance is derived from trade and one tenth from pastoral farming." I am looking for its…
24 April 2014
Virtue of fulfilling the right of the wealth one acquires
Question Please provide the reference for the following Hadith: Nabi (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said, ‘One who acquires goods while keeping in mind its rights will find blessings in it, while one…
23 April 2014
Hadith on pride
Question Is there a Hadith, wherein Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned that if a person has an atom of pride, he will be deprived of even the fragrance of Jannah, whereas the…
22 April 2014
Question about the Maqam- Ibrahim
Question Please verify this Hadith: “The stone is the station of Ibrahim. Allah made it soft and made it a mercy. Ibrahim would stand on it and Ismail would hand the stones up to him.” JazakAllah…
21 April 2014
Virtue of going early for Jumu’ah and sitting near the mimbar
Question What is the virtue of coming to Jumu'ah Salah early? And is there any virtue of sitting near the mimbar at the time of the Jumu'ah khutbah?
21 April 2014
Is Cupping (hijamah) outdated?
Question What is the status of cupping /hijamah in Islam? Is it a 'forgotten' Sunnah? In which case, is it's revival a commendable act worthy of great potential reward or would it now be seen…
18 April 2014
Sunnah postures of eating
Question Is there a Hadith regarding sitting in a specific posture while eating? What is the grade of the Hadith?
17 April 2014
Isal-thawab (dedicating reward) for the living
Question Is there a Hadith regarding conveying Isal-thawab to those who are living?
16 April 2014
Should we address the deceased after burial?
Question After burial of the deceased some people give adhan on the grave, they say “It comforts the dead in the horrid loneliness of the grave”, is the calling of the adhan permissible and is this…
16 April 2014
Query about the Hadith on being two faced
Question Regarding the following Hadith من كان ذا وجهين في الدنيا كان له يوم القيامه لسانان من نار Is there a narration that has the word لسان (not dual) because I read that in a copy of Zadut…
16 April 2014
When was Egypt referred to as "Misr"?
Question Can you please help me in finding out when the first mention of Misr in regards to Egypt was recorded in Hadith literature. Are there any texts which refer to Egypt as Misr at the time of…
15 April 2014
Authenticity of Hadith: Allah will never unite my ummah upon misguidance
Question Please provide the reference for the following hadith and kindly confirm the translation as well: “Allah Ta'ala will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance. Allah Ta'ala's mercy,…
14 April 2014
References for the names of the Khulafa in the Friday khutbah
Question Respected Shaykh, I wanted to ask regarding a hadith that I always hear during the Friday khutbah, I wanted to know if it is an authentic hadith and if it should be read every week during…
11 April 2014
Seven Generations being saved from misguidance
Question I've heard that one who spends time in the path of Allah, his seven generations will be saved from misguidance.