14 December 2021
Allah will not look mercifully at the person who engages in anal intercourse with a man or woman
Question Is this narration reliable? 'Abdullah ibn Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) relates that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: لا ينظر الله إلى رجل أتى رجلا أو امرأة في……
13 December 2021
Uttering words which displease Allah merely to make people laugh
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Laughter which enrages Allah is that of a man whilst speaking about (even) the Haqq and about batil doing so to evoke laughter. He will be cast into Jahannam to…
6 December 2021
A narration on music
Question Is the following narration regarding music authentic? What is the reference from the books of Hadith? Kindly translate the narration as well. استماع الملاهي معصية والجلوس عليها فسق والتلذذ…
19 November 2021
Salman’s Al Farisi (radiyallahu ‘anhu) expresses extreme dislike to see the private area of a Muslim
Question Could you kindly provide a reference for this narration? لأن أموت ثم أنشر ثم أموت ثم أنشر ثم أموت ثم أنشر أحب إلي من أن أرى عورة مسلم أو يراها مني……
18 November 2021
The authenticity of the narration regarding changing the name of wine to make it permissible
Question Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith: The nights and days will not perish until a group from among my Ummah will drink wine; referring to/calling it by other than its name
16 November 2021
Caution against committing sins in private
Question What is the complete narration, reference, authenticity and Arabic text of this Hadith? The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "There will surely be groups of my nation who will…
28 October 2021
Another query about the Hadith on being two faced
Question Regarding the Hadith: من كان ذا وجهين في الدنيا كان له يوم القيامة لسانان من نار In most copies of Zadut Talibin I have referred to, the Hadith has the word لسان (singular). The reference in…
3 September 2021
Another version of the Hadith cautioning against incorrect intentions when seeking knowledge
Question What is the source of these words? عن أنس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من طلب العلم ليباهي به العلماء ويماري به السفهاء أو يصرف وجوه الناس إليه فهو في النار……
1 September 2021
The one who consumes alcohol is like an idol worshipper
Question I want to know the reference for this exact wording and the authenticity of it شارب الخمر كعابد وثن
26 August 2021
Another narration regarding usurping a small amount of wealth
Question What is the authenticity of the following narration? لو أن رجلاً له ثواب سبعين نبياً وله خصم بدانق لا يدخل الجنة حتى يرضى خصمه
23 August 2021
A punishment for highway robbery which Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) witnessed on Mi’raj
Question What is the authenticity of the following: "There was a stick that was in the middle of the path. It would tear up whoever passed by it. When Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) asked Jibril…
16 August 2021
A narration stating the four harms of adultery
Question Is this Hadith authentic? إياكم والزنا، فإن فيه أربع خصال: يذهب البهاء عن الوجه، ويقطع الرزق، ويسخط الرحمن، والخلود في النار……
23 June 2021
Prohibition against confusing others in Salah by reciting too loudly
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Under the heading 'Dhikr Qawl al-Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) Laa yajhar ba'dukam 'ala ba'din fil-Quran, Imam Nasai (rahimahullah) has recorded the Hadith,…
15 June 2021
‘Abdullah Ibn Muhayriz’s statement on speaking in the Masjid
Question Is this narration authentic? Ibn Muhayriz (rahimahullah) is reported to have said: "Speaking in the masjid is idle talk, except for one who is praying, or remembering his Rabb, or asking for…
10 June 2021
The masjid is not a place for futile talk or raising the voice
Question Is this narration authentic? 'Umar ibnul Khattab built an area [outside] the Masjid called al-Butayha and said, "Whoever wishes to talk nonsense or recite poetry or raise his voice should go…