13 September 2015
Do not ask for a woman in marriage if …
Question Do not ask for a woman in marriage when another Muslim has already done so."
12 September 2015
Assisting one another in sin
Question Is there a Quranic verse which states that we should not assist one another in sin?
24 July 2015
Speaking in the Masjid
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? When a person speaks in the Masjid, an Angel on the first instance says 'O friend of Allah, keep quiet'. On the second instance the Angel says 'O enemy of…
24 July 2015
Keeping children indoors when night sets in
Question What is meant by 'when the darkness of the night envelopes' in the following Hadith? Which time is it referring to? 'Ata (rahimahullah) related that he heard Jabir ibn 'Abdullah (radiyallahu…
14 July 2015
Women visiting the graveyard
Question Is there any Hadith prohibiting women visiting the graveyard? If yes, could it please be sourced?
12 June 2015
Entering a home decorated with pictures of animate objects
Question How should we interpret the following Hadith? Does this apply to all Muslims in general, or only 'Ulama? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "It is not appropriate for a person…
9 June 2015
The head covering that resembles a camel’s hump
Question My question is regarding the prohibition for women wearing their hair shaped like the hump of a camel. Is there any Hadith in this regard? Also is there any punishment mentioned in the…
19 May 2015
Hadith warning against deceiving the Arabs
Question Kindly verify the following narration Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whosoever deceives the Arabs, will be deprived of my intercession and will not gain my affection"
19 May 2015
Prohibition of music in Quran and Hadith
Question Please provide proof as to why music is haram.
19 May 2015
The obligation of Salatul Witr
Question Please provide the source for the following Hadith: "Witr is a duty, so he who does not observe it is not of us." Are there variations of this Hadith in which the last part, "he is not of…
18 May 2015
Begging despite not being needy
Question Please provide the Hadith warning against begging without being needy.
18 May 2015
Parents forsaking their children
Question I just wanted to know that what does the Quran or Hadith say about parents forsaking their own children?
16 May 2015
Narrations on protecting the gaze
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "When anyone's eyes fall on the beauty of a woman and he immediately casts his gaze away from her, Allah grants him Divine guidance towards such 'ibadah,…
15 May 2015
The hearts of kings and leaders are in Allah’s control
Question What is the status of following Hadith Qudsi? Is it an Israely Riwayah (Historical Narration) and can we attribute it to Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as his statement? "I am…
12 May 2015
Unjustly harming a Muslim is like destroying the Ka’bah
Question Kindly provide the reference for the Hadith that states breaking the heart of a Mu'min is like breaking the Ka'bah seventy times?