27 March 2014
How to get one billion rewards
Question Somebody told me we can earn over a billion rewards in just a few seconds! By praying a certain du'a we will get the reward of the amount of Muslims there are living in this world as well as…
25 March 2014
Reciting different Surahs after every Fard Salah
Question Can you please verify the authenticity of this narration? 'Whoever reads these five Surahs after each Salah i.e. After Fajr, Surah Yasin, after Zuhr, Surah Fath, after 'Asr, Surah Naba,…
24 March 2014
Hadith: The fast only breaks with something entering the stomach
Question What is the authenticity of the following narration: Sayyidatuna 'Aishah (radiyallahu 'anha) reports that Rasulullah (sallalahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once entered and said: 'O 'Aishah, do you…
17 March 2014
Hadith: How wonderful is a man who understands Din
Question Is the following narration authentic: نعم الرجل الفقيه فى الدين ان احتيج اليه نفع وان استغنى عنه أغنى نفسه Translation: How wonderful is a man who understands Din, if he is needed he…
17 March 2014
Meaning of the statement: ‘Pondering for a moment is better than sixty years of worship’
Question What does the following statement mean: Pondering for a moment is better than sixty years of worship?
17 March 2014
Hadiths on the polish for the heart
Question Could you provide the exact translation and reference for the Hadith in which Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) explained that hearts rust like iron rusts. When asked: “How can they…
16 March 2014
When to embrace?
Question We find that many a time Muslims greet by hugging each other, thereafter shaking hands. Is this hugging each other when greeting mentioned anywhere in the Hadith, or should one simply shake…
16 March 2014
A tree in Jannah for each time we say ‘subhanallah’
Question Please verify the authenticity of the Hadith that says if you say Subhanallah, a tree is planted for you in Jannah.
14 March 2014
Correct translation of a Hadith on the good fortune of a believer
Question Please confirm the translation and reference for the following Hadith: “The believer is indeed wonderful. When goodness comes to him, he praises Allah and offers shukr (gratitude), and when…
14 March 2014
Reference for the benefits of praying the two Sunnah of Fajr at home
Question There is a Hadith wherein the Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) was reported to have mentioned three benefits of performing the two Sunnah at home and then attending the Masjid for the…
14 March 2014
The reward for asking forgiveness on behalf of all Muslims
Question Please verify if this is authentic: If a person asks for forgiveness for the Ummah, like if he says: Allahummaghfirli walil mu'minina wal mu'minat, twenty seven (27) times, then his du'a is…
13 March 2014
Hadith on women who expose themselves
Question 1. What is the Arabic text for the following Hadith? The worst among the women are those who freely leave their homes without Hijab. They are hypocrites and few of these will enter…
13 March 2014
Leaving the home with the left foot
Question Is there a Hadith which says we should exit the house with the left foot?
12 March 2014
Did the Sahabah make salam again if a tree came between them?
Question Is there any Hadith which mentions that the Sahabah (radiyallahu 'anhum) made salam again after walking round a tree?
12 March 2014
The green turban
Question I would like to know if wearing a green turban is Sunnah? Are there any narrations regarding this?