12 April 2018
Did Allah recite Surah Taha and Surah Yasin 1000 years before creation?
Question How authentic is the following Hadith? إن الله تبارك وتعالى قرأ طه و يس قبل أن يخلق السماوات والأرض بألف عام، فلما سمعت الملائكة القرآن، قالت: طوبى لأمة ينزل هذا عليها، وطوبى لأجواف تحمل…
22 March 2018
Two rak’ahs after witr
Question There is a Hadith in Sahih ibn Hibban that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said: This journey is strenuous and exhausting. If you pray Witr, offer two rak'ahs afterwards if…
9 October 2017
Food particles that are picked from the teeth
Question Is there any Hadith regarding the food particles that are stuck in the teeth. I have heard that it is haram to eat the food particles taken out from the teeth.
9 October 2017
Surah Fatihah; a cure for all illness?
Question I know that Surah Fatihah can be recited to cure scorpion stings from the Hadith of Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri. But can Surah Fatihah be used to cure all illnesses and health problems in general…
17 August 2017
How often would the Sahabah (radiyallahu’anhum) eat?
Question When people follow diets they say that it is good to eat snacks during the day and a total of 5-6 times a day. Is there anything mentioned in the Hadith regarding how often a person should…
10 August 2017
What to do for protection and blessings in a new home/business premises?
Question Are there any deeds prescribed from the prophetic practice to be fulfilled after purchasing a new home or business? I have seen many engage in a khatam of Surah Baqarah or a majlis of dhikr…
12 May 2017
The natural fragrance of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question What is the reference for this narration? Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu 'anhu) reported that whenever Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) passed by a road, someone searching for him…
26 April 2017
A miracle during the days of Al Harrah
Question Is this narration authentic Sa'id ibn Abdul Aziz (rahimahullah) narrates: "During the Incident of Al Harrah, there was no Adhan or Iqamah proclaimed from Masjid An Nabawi for three days.…
13 March 2017
Women are counterparts of men
Question Please translate and give the reference for this Hadith. إنما النساء شقائق الرجال
28 December 2016
Abdals and Qutbs
Question Which Hadiths mention the Abdals and Qutbs and what is their authenticity?
13 October 2016
Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud on visiting fellow muslims and pious learned colleagues
Question Is the following narration reliable: قال عبد الله لأصحابه حين قدموا عليه: هل تجالسون؟ قالوا: لا نترك ذاك. قال: فهل تزاورون؟ قالوا: نعم يا أبا عبد الرحمن، إن الرجل منا ليفقد أخاه فيمشي على…
13 June 2016
Du’a when sighting a new moon
Question What du'a can one recite when sighting the new moon?
20 April 2016
Translation of a Hadith on the importance of Salah in congregation
Question Kindly translate the following Hadith in Sunan Darimi: أخر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم صلاة العشاء ذات ليلة حتى كاد أن يذهب ثلث الليل أو قريبه، فجاء وفي الناس رقود، وهم عزون، وهم حلق، فغضب…
7 April 2016
‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu)’s praise for the students of knowledge
Question Is this narration authentic and what is the translation قال ابن مسعود كونوا ينابيع العلم مصابيح الهدى أحلاس البيوت سرج الليل جدد القلوب خلقان الثياب تعرفون في أهل السماء وتخفون في أهل…
1 April 2016
Imam Bukhari’s book, ‘Al Adabul Mufrad’
Question What is the level of authenticity of the book, Al Adabul Mufrad'? Are there some very weak Hadiths inside?