4 August 2017
Space your social visits
Question Is this Hadith suitable for quoting? زر غبا تزدد حبا And could you clarify please why the Muhaddithun have such divergent views on this Hadith?
27 July 2017
A way of making Allah Ta’ala beloved to the people
Question With reference to the Hadith mentioned in this link, Have the Muhaddithun explained a method/s to make Allah Ta'ala beloved in the eyes of people?
26 July 2017
A Believer has four enemies
Question Is this authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "A Believer has four enemies; A Believer who is jealous of him, a hypocrite who hates him, Shaytan to mislead him and a…
24 July 2017
‘Whoever is not pleased with Allah’s decisions should seek another Rabb’
Question Is this Hadith Qudsi authentic? Allah Ta'ala says, "Whoever is not pleased with my decisions, is not patient on my trials/tests then he should seek another Rabb besides me"
21 July 2017
Why is the white turban best?
Question In the Hadith books, most of the narrations mention that our beloved Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wassalam) had a black turban on his head. Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Zakariyya (rahimahullah)…
14 July 2017
Conceal your blessings
Question I heard this saying attributed to Nabi (sallahu 'alayhi wasallam) at a gathering and was wondering if you could comment on its authenticity and explain its meaning: استعينوا على قضاء حوائجكم…
8 June 2017
A Hadith encouraging visiting the graveyard, giving ghusl and reading janazah Salah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? زر القبور تذكر بها الآخرة، واغسل الموتى، فإن معالجة جسد خاو موعظة بليغة، وصل على الجنائز لعل ذلك أن يحزنك، فإن الحزين في ظل الله يتعرض كل خير……
19 April 2017
Wording of the Hadith on intelligence
Question In the famous Hadith: «الكيس من دان نفسه وعمل لما بعد الموت، والعاجز من أتبع نفسه هواها وتمنى على الله» is the addition الأماني at the end which is found in Jami'us Saghir also part of the…
31 March 2017
A person will only be rewarded if he seeks and anticipates reward
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith and what is the meaning of 'الاحتساب'? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "There is no reward for the one who does not anticipate…
16 March 2017
Query regarding the authenticity of Hadiths in Faydul Qadir
Question I have seen a Hadith in Faydul Qadir. Does this mean the Hadith is authentic due to its inclusion in this book?
10 March 2017
An unauthentic narration on the Persian language
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever can speak Arabic fluently should not speak Persian for it creates hypocrisy"
9 March 2017
‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz’s advice to his son when he purchased an expensive ring
Question How authentic is this incident? 'Umar Ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz (rahimahullah) heard that his son bought a ring for 1000 Dirhams, so he wrote a letter to his son, saying: "The news has reached me…
22 February 2017
Music leads to hypocrisy
Question Can you please grade the following Hadith and give an explanation: Music makes hypocrisy grow in the heart just as water makes crops grow.
8 February 2017
Caring for orphans
Question Please verify this narration. Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The best house among the Muslims is a house in which there is an orphan who is treated well and the worst house among…
6 February 2017
Raising the finger when making istighfar
Question Is there a specific way this should be done? والاستغفار أن تشير بأصبع واحدة 'When asking for forgiveness you should point with one finger'