26 January 2021
Status of the Hadith narrator; ‘Ubaydullah ibn Jarir
Question Is the narrator 'Ubaydullah ibn Jarir Al Bajali reliable?
3 December 2020
Status of the narrator, Qurrah ibn Musa Al Hujaymi
Question I am looking for the status of the narrator Qurrah ibn Musa Al Hujami.
13 July 2020
The status of the narrator; ‘Abdullah ibn Yasar Al Juhani
Question What is the status of the Hadith narrator; 'Abdullah ibn Yasar Al Juhani?
12 June 2020
Status of the narrator; Sukayn ibn ‘Abdil ‘Aziz
Question What is the status of the Hadith narrator, Sukayn ibn 'Abdil 'Aziz?
27 February 2020
Only seek your needs from those who want to see you acquire them
Question What is the reference of this Hadith? "Never seek your needs from one who does not love to see your success"
17 January 2020
Another narration on the intentions people will have when performing Hajj and ‘Umrah
Question Kindly translate and authenticate this narration. عند ذلك يا سلمان! يحج الناس إلى هذا البيت الحرام، تحج ملوكهم لهوا وتنزها، وأغنياؤهم للتجارة، ومساكينهم للمسألة وقراؤهم رياء وسمعة.……
23 September 2019
The larger the congregation, the better
Question Is there a Hadith that gives preference to a bigger congregation than a smaller one?
17 December 2018
‘Always speak the truth, even if it leads to your death’- ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Could you mention the reference for this narration? عليك بالصدق وإن قتلك الصدق
23 May 2018
Locating a narration in Musnad Ahmad
Question Kindly help in locating a Hadith from Musnad Ahmad and Tabarani, the understood meaning of the Hadith is that whenever Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu) used to deliver the khutba, when he…
22 March 2018
Always take the good interpretation of a statement if possible
Question Is this statement authentically attributed to Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu)? "Do not think badly of a word uttered by your brother, when you can find a good interpretation for it."
23 January 2018
Abud Darda’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) advise to his spouse
Question Could you mention the reference for this? Sayyiduna Abud Darda (radiyallahu 'anhu) told his wife Ummud Darda, "If I become angry then try to please me. If you become angry I will [say things…
17 January 2018
The Hadith narrator, ‘Muhammad ibn ‘Umar ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
Question What is the status of the narrator, Muhammad ibn 'Umar ibn 'Ali ibn Abi Talib?
16 November 2017
Advice to treat women well
Question Can you mention the full narration and comment on the authenticity? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "A man from the Ahlul-Kitab will marry a poor young woman, and neither desire…
31 October 2017
‘Make dark skinned people your leaders’?
Question What is the status of this narration? اتخذوا السودان فإن ثلاثة منهم من سادات أهل الجنة لقمان الحكيم والنجاشي وبلال المؤذن Make Africans/dark skinned people [leaders] for three of them will…
26 September 2017
The benefit of offering wudu and salah correctly
Question Is this Hadith reliable? من توضأ كما أُمر وصلّى كما أُمر غُفر له ما تقدّم من ذنبه