6 September 2017
The sabr of Abu Qilabah (rahimahullah)
Question Is this incident suitable to quote? الأوزاعي عن عبد الله بن محمد قال خرجت الى ساحل البحر مرابطا وكان رابطنا يومئذ عريش مصر قال فلما انتهيت إلى الساحل فإذا أنا ببطيحه وفى البطيحه خيمة فيها…
31 August 2017
Imams Ibn Khuzaymah’s and Ibn Hibban’s rank being higher than Imam Hakim (rahimahumullah)
Question و قالوا ابن خزيمة وابن حبان أمكن وأقوي من الحاكم وأحسن وألطف فى اﻷسانيد والمتون (Mishkat muqaddimah) What does ألطف mean in the above ibarah?……
16 August 2017
Status of the narrator ‘Imran ibn Dawar
Question What is the status of the narrator 'Imran ibn Dawar Al 'Ammi Abul 'Awwam Al Qattan? Is he reliable?
10 February 2017
Two qualities one requires to become noble
Question Could you mention the reference of this statement and who is it attributed to? لا ينبل الرجل حتى يكون فيه خصلتان العفة عما في أيدي الناس والتجاوز عنهم……
9 February 2017
Statement of Imam Suyuti about the level of Hadith books
Question Is the following statement correctly attributed to Imam Suyuti (rahimahullah)? “Everything contained in these five books (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih of Ibn Hibban, Mustadrak of Hakim…
7 September 2016
The sin of the people of Lut
Question Are there Quranic verses and authentic Hadiths that discuss homosexuality?
13 June 2016
Poverty and Kufr (Disbelief)
Question What is the authenticity of the narration wherein the Prophet (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) says that poverty can lead to kufr
20 April 2016
Hadith narrator; Malik Ad-Dar
Question Is it true that the narrator Malik Dar is majhul (unknown)?
30 August 2015
Reciting the last three surahs after salah
Question Is there any Hadith that instructs reciting Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Naas after each salah and thereafter blowing onto hands and wiping on one's body? I have come across narrations before…
22 June 2015
The effect of haram lasts for forty days
Question Is it true that if a person eats or drinks anything haram, intentionally or unknowingly, then his du'as and ibadaat will not be accepted for forty (40) days? Does the same ruling apply to…
22 May 2015
An unauthentic virtue for visiting one’s Mother’s or relative’s grave
Question What is the status of this narration? Sayyiduna 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever visits his mother's grave or the grave of one of…