20 November 2017
There should be no harm or reciprocating harm
Question Is this Hadith reliable? لا ضرر ولا ضرار “There should be no harm or reciprocating harm”
17 November 2017
Negligence towards Salah results in a decrease in sustenance
Question Who is this statement attributed to? ما من قوم فيهم من يتهاون بالصلاة ولا يأخذون على يديه إلا كان أول عقوبتهم إن ينقص من أرزاقهم……
22 September 2017
Meaning of the word ‘فراش’ in a Hadith of Sahih Muslim
Question What is the meaning of فراش in the following Hadith in Sahih Muslim? عن عبد الله، قال: لما أسري برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، انتهي به إلى سدرة المنتهى، وهي في السماء السادسة، إليها ينتهي…
22 August 2017
Living close to the Masjid but not frequenting it is a sign of hypocrisy
Question What is the source of this narration? كفى علماً عَلَى النفاق أن يكون الرَّجُلُ جار المسجد لا يرى فِيهِ
21 August 2017
Meaning of Imam Tirmidhi’s statement in Kitabul ‘Ilal
Question In Kitabul 'ilal, Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) says: وقد بينا هذا على وجهه في الكتاب الذى فيه الموقوف What does 'على وجهه' mean?
28 April 2016
Desire for wealth and fame causes harm to one’s Din
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? "Two hungry wolves roaming freely among sheep are less destructive to them than the desire for wealth and fame is to a person's religion"
12 September 2015
Is seeking knowledge better than worship?
Question Is it true that seeking knowledge is better than worship?
14 July 2015
Imam Malik’s Ramadan routine
Question Is it true Imam Malik would not do Hadith kitabs in Ramadan and would only pray Quran? I read the following in Tarikh ibn 'Asakir which contradicts it: وَكَانَ الحنيني إذا دخل شهر رمضان ترك…
28 May 2015
Ten proofs for offering sunnah/nafl salah before the Jumu’ah salah
Question Can you please send me Hadiths with reference for sunnah salah before the fard of Jumu'ah? JazakAllah
12 May 2015
Fasting on the twenty seventh (27th) of Rajab
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "The one who fasts on the twenty seventh (27th) day of Rajab will receive the reward of fasting for sixty years"
13 August 2014
A sign that Allah Ta’ala has turned away his attention from a person
Question I am looking for a Hadith, the gist of which, as related by one of the Scholars is, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) asked: "What are the signs that Allah Ta'ala has turned away His…
11 June 2014
The fast of 15th Sha’ban
Question What is the status of the fasting on the day of the 15th of Sha'ban. I have read conflicting rulings regarding this. Could you kindly shed some light and clarify this in the light of Hadith?
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