10 December 2015
Do not envy a sinner
Question Is the following narration authentic? "Do not envy a sinner for some bounty that he has been blessed with, for verily you do not know what punishment he is going to receive after death, he…
3 December 2015
The harm of jealousy
Question Is this Hadith reliable ? "Save yourself from jealousy. This is because jealousy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes fire wood/ grass."
2 November 2015
The rights of an elder brother over his younger siblings
Question Is the following a Hadith? "The rights of an elder brother that are due to be fulfilled by a younger brother is the same rights as a child has to fulfill for his Father?
17 September 2015
Don’t worry about the faults of others
Question Glad tidings to the one whose own faults have occupied him from the faults of others Is this saying a Hadith?
8 September 2015
Reciting the last two verses of Surah Tawbah
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The one who continuously reads 'Laqad ja-akum Rasulum min anfusikum' till the end of the Surah [Surah…
12 August 2015
When Allah intends good for a certain household he inserts kindness among them
Question Is it true that when Allah intends good for the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them?
29 July 2015
Suppressing one’s anger, a means of averting Allah’s punishment
Question Is this narration reliable? "Allah abandons the punishment to anyone who can abandon his own anger"
25 July 2015
A narration on ‘Five actions that break the fast’
Question Can you kindly translate Al 'Iraqi's assessment of this Hadith: حديث جابر عن انس: خمس يفطرن الصائم الكذب والغيبة والنميمة واليمين الكاذبة والنظر بشهوة قال العراقي: أخرجه الأزدي في الضعفاء…
3 June 2015
The severity of the pangs of death (sakarat)
Question I heard the following narration in a bayan: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "A dying person experiences the pain of three hundred (300) swords being pierced into his body" Kindly…
29 May 2015
An unauthentic form of Salah to be recited on Friday eve
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "Whomsoever performs two units of Salah on the eve of Friday, reciting Surah Fatihah and fifteen times Surah Zilzal in each rak'ah, Allah will protect him…
28 May 2015
Ten proofs for offering sunnah/nafl salah before the Jumu’ah salah
Question Can you please send me Hadiths with reference for sunnah salah before the fard of Jumu'ah? JazakAllah
28 May 2015
Hadith on visiting one’s parent’s grave on Jumu’ah and reciting Surah Yasin
Question What is the authenticity of the following narration? "If a person visits the grave of his parents or one of them on Friday and recites Surah Yasin, he will be forgiven"
20 May 2015
An unauthentic form of Salah to be recited on Thursday night and sending the reward to one’s parents
Question Is the following narration authentic? The prayer for one's parents is a Sunnah, due to the following Hadith: "Whoever prays two rak'ahs on the eve of Friday, between Maghrib and 'Isha in…
5 May 2015
Hadith? ‘People are asleep, when they die they will wake up’
Question Is the following a Hadith? People are asleep when they die they will wake up
4 May 2015
An unauthentic virtue of enduring the bad character of one’s spouse
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? The one who will be patient with bad character of his wife, will get the same reward as Ayyub ('alayhis salam). Similarly, the woman who will be patient…