8 November 2014
A Sahabi who attained Jannah without offering a single Salah
Question Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu) would ask the people 'Tell me of a person who entered Jannah without offering a single Salah'? Who was this Sahabi?
17 October 2014
Will our pets come to Jannah?
Question There is a Hadith quoted although I am not sure if it is authentic but it says that the animals will be resurrected and turned to dust. If it is authentic what is the commentary? Does it…
24 September 2014
Allah Ta’ala testing his servant to raise his rank in Jannah
Question What is the original wording and authenticity of the following? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has mentioned that sometimes Allah Ta’ala wishes to elevate the rank of a certain person…
22 September 2014
Those who will enter Jannah without reckoning
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "There are 70,000 of my people who will enter paradise without being questioned; they are the ones who do not seek remedy by ruqia, the ones who don't…
30 August 2014
Hadith on the number of Hurs in Jannah
Question Please provide the reference and classification of this Hadith: Anas (radiyallahu'anhu) said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said: “The servant in Paradise shall be…
20 August 2014
Hadith regarding the ‘Ulama in Jannah
Question I have heard someone saying that an 'Alim in jannah will answer the questions of Jannite. or something to this effect. Is this authentic?
15 July 2014
Among the last people to enter Jannah…
Question Can you please give the reference for the following Hadith: The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said that on the Last Day, when the last two souls are brought forth before Allah, they…
9 June 2014
Four people who will not enter Jannah (early)
Question Kindly assist with the reference for the following Hadith: "There are four kinds of people about whom Allah has decided not to admit to paradise and not let them taste its bliss: the one…
2 June 2014
Authenticity of a Hadith about a river in Jannah
Question I was wondering about the authenticity of the following Hadith. في الجنة نهر يقال له الريان عليه مدينة من مرجان لها سبعون الف باب من ذهب وفضة لحامل القرآن Jannah has a river called "Rayyan"…
1 May 2014
Jannah for that wife with whom the husband is pleased
Question Is this a Hadith? When a woman's husband dies while he is happy with her Jannah becomes wajib on her.
16 March 2014
A tree in Jannah for each time we say ‘subhanallah’
Question Please verify the authenticity of the Hadith that says if you say Subhanallah, a tree is planted for you in Jannah.
24 February 2014
Removing dirt from the Masjid is the dowry for the damsels of Jannah
Question Please provide the reference for the following Hadith: "Picking up dirt from the Masjid is dowry for the hurs."
17 December 2013
Proof for Seventy Hurs in Jannah
Question The number of hurs (seventy or more) in Jannat for a shahid or a jannati is fixed by which Hadith and in which book?