30 July 2021
The Scholar is he who knows what is good and follows it
Question Kindly provide the Arabic text and full translation of the hadith: The scholar is not he who knows good from evil, but the scholar is he who knows good and follows it and knows evil and…
2 July 2021
Sayyiduna Abud Darda’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding dhikr
Question Please mention the reference and Arabic text of this narration. The Companion, Sayyiduna Abud Darda (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "Those whose tongues are moist with the remembrance of Allah…
11 June 2021
Another narration regarding Shaytan weeping when man prostrates
Question What is the source of this Hadith? 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "Indeed, when Shaytan sees the son of Adam prostrating, he shouts: 'Woe to him, the son of Adam was…
4 June 2021
Verily this Din [religion] is solid
Question Kindly provide the authenticity of the following narration: إن هذا الدين متين، فأوغل فيه برفق، ولا تبغّض إلي نفسك عبادة الله تعالى، فإن المُنبَتَّ لا أرضا قطع، ولا ظهرا أبقى……
2 April 2021
Another version of ‘Uthman’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding the Quran
Question What is the correct reference for this statement and can it be quoted? لو طهرت قلوبكم ما شبعت من كلام الله
24 February 2021
Falling asleep in Salah
Question I have received the following hadith. Please may I be informed regarding its authenticity. Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "If one gets up to pray at night and his eyes are…
28 January 2021
Abu Dharr’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding good deeds and du’a
Question What is the source of this Hadith? يكفي من الدعاء مع البر ما يكفي الطعام من الملح "That much of supplication is sufficient with righteousness as food is in need of salt."……
26 January 2021
The scholar’s grave will be illuminated
Question What is the status of the following narration? "When a scholar ('aalim) passes away, Allah gives his knowledge a form. That form becomes his friend and companion till the day of Qiyamah and…
30 June 2020
The effect a Verse from Surah Al Muzzammil had on Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question I wanted to inquire on the authenticity of the incident wherein Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) fell unconscious when he heard a Quran reader reciting Verse 12 from Surah Al Muzzammil.…
10 June 2020
Gazing at the outer garment of a woman
Question What is the reference and Arabic for this quote? لا تتبع بصرك رداء المرأة فإن النظر يجعل شهوة في القلب
18 February 2020
‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu) explains how to become the greatest worshipper
Question Could you provide the reference for this narration? عن عبد الله قال: أد ما افترض الله عليك تكن من أعبد الناس
17 February 2020
A Hadith regarding a time will come wherein a person’s only concern will be his belly
Question What is the authenticity of the narration below? Is it suitable to quote? قال أبو عبد الله السلمي: حدثنا محمد بن مالك التيمي بمرو، حدثنا أبو منصور الرباطي، حدثنا محمد بن نهشل بن حميد، حدثنا…
4 February 2020
Books that gather the statements/incidents of the Salaf
Question Are there any books that specifically gather the sayings and anecdotes of the Sahabah (radiyallahu 'anhum) Tabi'un in relation to encouraging good deeds, zuhd (asceticism) and riqaq…
18 November 2019
Allah Ta’ala does not expose a sinner the first time he perpetrates a crime
Question I am looking for a narration that states that a man was caught stealing during the Caliphate Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu). When Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu) was going to mete…
11 November 2019
Taking provisions from this world will benefit in the Hereafter
Question Kindly inform me if this is a Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever takes supplies in this world will benefit in the hereafter."