30 January 2020
Hadith commentaries other than the famous commentaries on the Sihah sittah
Question Where can I find explanations of Hadith besides the commentaries of the Sihah Sittah and other famous Hadith books other than Faydul Qadir?
2 December 2019
The importance of going out in battle with the correct intention
Question Is the following narration authentic: عن معاذ بن جبل عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: «الغزو غزوان، فأما من ابتغى وجه الله وأطاع الإمام وأنفق الكريمة وياسر الشريك واجتنب الفساد فإن…
30 October 2019
Meaning of the Hadiths that encourage the remembrance of death
Question There are Hadiths regarding the remembrance of death, what do they mean? Do we remember those who have died or think about that we will die one day?
1 October 2019
The virtue of reciting the last few Verses of Surah Al ‘Imran at night
Question Is this Hadith authentic? من قرأ آخر آل عمران في ليلة كتب له قيام ليلة
18 September 2019
Translation of a word in a Hadith of Sahih Muslim regarding sighting of the moon
Question What is the translation of the word "مده/أمده" in the following Hadith? قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إن الله قد أمده لرؤيته، فإن أغمي عليكم فأكملوا العدة……
4 September 2019
Sayyidah Ummu Habibah’s (radiyallahu’anha) first husband
Question I would like to ask the name of the first husband of Sayyidah Ummu Habibah (radiyallahu ‘anha) because in some places he is mentioned as ‘Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh while in other places (in…
8 August 2019
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) manner of du’a in Salatul Istisqa (Salah seeking rain)
Question In the following Hadith, what is the meaning of "أشار بظهر كفيه"? عن أنس بن مالك أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم استسقى، فأشار بظهر كفيه إلى السماء……
26 July 2019
Hasan’s Al Basri (rahimahullah) advice to a father regarding his daughter’s marriage
Question Can you mention the Arabic text and reference for this narration? Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) said: "Marry your daughter to the one who fears Allah. If he loves her, he will honour her. If…
23 July 2019
A pious wife is the best object of benefit in this world as she will assist her husband with the Hereafter
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The world is mata' [to take benefit from], and the best object of benefit is a pious woman”
17 July 2019
Another du’a to recite when pelting the jamarat
Question Is the following du'a to be recited at the time of pelting established from the books of Hadith? رغما للشيطان ورضا للرحمن Raghman lish shaytan wa ridan lir Rahman
16 July 2019
Explanation of the words: Children of Isma’il (ولد إسماعيل)
Question I have come across this statement in a few Hadiths wherein Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) mentions that the virtue of a certain action is like emancipating a slave from the…
21 June 2019
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) prophecy regarding the conquest of the Persians
Question I would like to know the reference for the following Hadith: Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "When my Ummah walks proudly/struts about and their servants are the children of…
6 May 2019
Having honey three days a month
Question Is this authentic? "One should have a lick of honey on an empty stomach for the first three days of every month" It is a means of safety from all illnesses.
6 May 2019
Pronunciation of the Hadith on gifting
Question What is the correct pronunciation of the following Hadith? تهادوا تحابوا Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Give gifts to each other, you will love each other"
25 April 2019
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) reply when questioned regarding khilafah
Question What is the commentary of the following narration ? عن علي قال: قيل يا رسول الله من نؤمّر بعدك؟ قال: إن تؤمّروا أبا بكر تجدوه أمينا زاهدا في الدنيا راغبا في الآخرة وإن تؤمّروا عمر تجدوه قويا…