8 December 2022
Another portion of the Hadith on forty etiquettes
Question Is this a Hadith? لا تلعب ولا تله مع اللاهين
6 December 2022
A follow up query regarding the children of Ummul Muminin Sawdah bintu Zam’ah (radiyallahu ‘anha)
Question I have seen your answer regarding the stepchildren of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). I have read an article that states Sayyidah Sawdah had five children. Can you verify this?
6 December 2022
An unreliable narration on the reward for writing knowledge
Question Is this Hadith authentic? ما من مؤمن يموت ويترك ورقة من علم إلا كانت تلك الورقة سترا له من النار
6 December 2022
A crown of honour for the one who devoted himself to the Quran
Question I am looking for the Hadith regarding the Quran speaking on behalf of the man who would recite it and he will be made to wear 'tajul-karamah'
6 December 2022
Commentary on the narration regarding three vital qualities
Question Can you please provide an explanation for the Hadith below: «من لم يكن فيه واحدة من ثلاث فلا يعتد بشيء من عمل: تقوى تحجزه عن المحارم، أو حلم يكف به السفيه، أو خلق يعيش به في الناس» In…
2 December 2022
Iyas ibn Mu’awiyah (rahimahullah) laments over the death of his mother
Question Kindly provide the reference for this incident: Iyas ibn Mu'wiyah (rahimahullah) was crying when his mum passed away. Someone asked him, "Why are you crying?" He replied: "Once upon a time I…
2 December 2022
Pronunciation of the name of the famous saint; Abu Yazid
Question What is the correct pronunciation of the name of the saint; Abu Yazid البسطامي Is it Bistami or Bastami?
1 December 2022
Looking hither and thither in Salah
Question Is there any Hadith that mentions that one who looks around in Salah his eyesight will be snatched away?
1 December 2022
When a person makes dhikr, he is mentioned by the ‘Arsh
Question What is the reference of this Hadith? إن مما تذكرون من جلال الله التسبيح، والتهليل، والتحميد ينعطفن حول العرش، لهن دوي كدوي النحل، تذكر بصاحبها، أما يحب أحدكم أن يكون له أو لا يزال له من…
1 December 2022
Ka’b’s al Ahbar statement regarding the virtue of certain recitals
Question What is the status of this narration? Ka'b al Ahbar said: "The saying of سبحان الله و الحمد لله لأ اله إلا الله الله اكبر goes buzzing around the 'Arsh mentioning the name of the reciter."……
1 December 2022
Another version of the unauthentic dream of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question Is the Hadith wherein Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said that he dreamt and saw Allah Ta'ala in the form of a young boy wearing a green robe authentic?
30 November 2022
The death of a Believer is regarded to be a type of martyrdom
Question Kindly grade and explain the Hadith "Every believer dies as a martyr."
30 November 2022
Recite Surah Yasin upon your deceased
Question Is this Hadith from Ibn Majah authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Read Surah Yasin to your dead people."
29 November 2022
The stepchildren of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question How many stepchildren did our Beloved Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) have and what were their names if possible?
28 November 2022
Authenticity of the Hadith regarding seeking from Allah Ta’ala alone when reciting Quran
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Anyone who recites the Quran let him ask by it from Allah alone. For soon such people will come who…