25 February 2014
Reciting Surah Ikhlas and Salutations when entering the home
Question Is it proven in the books of Hadith to read Surah Ikhlas and send salutations upon Nabi (sallalahu 'alayhi wa sallam) when entering one's home?
24 February 2014
Removing dirt from the Masjid is the dowry for the damsels of Jannah
Question Please provide the reference for the following Hadith: "Picking up dirt from the Masjid is dowry for the hurs."
24 February 2014
Saying JazakAllahu khayra
Question When thanking someone should one say JazakAllah or should the addendum "Khayra" be added? Is there any narration that states or allows just the words "JazakAllah" without the addition of…
20 February 2014
Hadith on killing lizards
Question In Sahih Muslim there is a Hadith in which we are told to kill lizards (gecko). What kind of lizard is this? Are we allowed to kill only this kind of lizard or any lizard?
20 February 2014
Sayyiduna Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reading the Tawrah
Question I have a query concerning the narration in which Sayyiduna Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu) reads the Tawrah in the presence of Rasulullah (salallahu 'alayhi wasallam) and the colour of the blessed…
19 February 2014
Hadith on following a madhab
Question Is there any Hadith relating to following a madhab?
17 February 2014
The meaning of Al Birr
Question After listening to last Friday's khutbah at our masjid here in Palmerston North, New Zealand, I am very curious to know about the word "Al-Birr" and its meaning and where and why Allah…
17 February 2014
Adding ‘wa maghfiratuhu’ to the end of the salam
Question My query: is the words 'wa maghfirah' that is sometimes added to end of the salam from the sunnah. Should this addition be taught to children?
13 February 2014
Why is eating pork forbidden
Question Many people do not know why we are forbidden from eating pork. Besides the health risks, is there anything else we should know about?
11 February 2014
If it weren’t for Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), the world wouldn’t be created?
Question Is there a Hadith stating that the reason Allah created this universe and everything it contains was for Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) to come and fulfil Allah's commandments? I'm…
10 February 2014
Attending a funeral after intercourse
Question Is there a Hadith where our beloved Prophet (sallalahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has said that if one had sexual intercourse in the night and the next day if there is a funeral he should not get…
8 February 2014
The grave of a believer squeezing him
Question In Mishkat it is mentioned that the grave of Sa'd (radiyallahu 'anhu) was closed upon him. Is there any reason for this, or does this mean that everyone's grave closes upon him
7 February 2014
Iman is between fear and hope
Question One often hears the statement, sometimes cited as a Hadith or saying of the Salaf: "Iman is between fear and hope" or different wordings. What is the source for this statement? And…
17 December 2013
Hadith: The Jews were divided into seventy one groups
Question A Shaykh said that the Hadith relating to that Jews were divided into seventy one groups and the Christians into seventy two and the Muslims into seventy three all in Jahannam except one He…
17 December 2013
Hadith: I am leaving behind two things
Question Could you please inform what is the academic status of these two Hadiths: 1. I am leaving behind two things: the Book of Allah and the Sunnat 2. I am leaving behind two things: the Book of…