31 October 2016
A narration regarding lowering the gaze and the sweetness of Iman
Question Is this narration authentic? إن النظرة سهم من سهام إبليس مسموم، من تركها مخافتي أبدلته إيمانا يجد حلاوته في قلبه Translation Certainly [an evil glance] is a poisoned arrow from Iblis.…
26 September 2016
Authenticity of a du’a after Adhan for the fulfillment of one’s needs
Question Is this du'a to recite after Adhan for the fulfillment of needs authentic? اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ الصَّادِقَةِ الْمُسْتَجَابَةِ الْمُسْتَجَاب لَهَا دَعْوَة الْحَقِّ، وَكَلِمَةِ…
8 September 2016
Another virtue of the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
Question Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, 'There are no days more preferred by Allah, nor days in which actions are more beloved to Allah the Mighty and Majestic than these ten days…
7 September 2016
A virtue for the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? The Prophet (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said: 'There is no day more honourable in Allah's sight, and no acts more beloved therein to Allah than those in these 10…
11 August 2015
A virtue of reciting Quran in Salah after using the miswak
Question Is there a Hadith that states that the angels place their mouth by the mouth of the person who recites Quran after making miswak?
9 March 2015
The importance of ikhlas (sincerity)
Question What is the reward of sincerity of intention (ikhlasun niyyah)?
4 December 2014
The virtue of being chaste and treating one’s Parents kindly
Question Please provide the reference for the following narration: "Be chaste, your spouse will remain chaste, treat your parents kindly, your children will treat you kindly."
2 July 2014
Is learning two Hadiths better than sixty years of worship?
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? من تعلم حديثين اثنين ينفع بهما نفسه أو يعلمهما غيره فينتفع بهما كان خيرا من عبادة ستين سنة Translation: Whomsoever learns two Hadiths to benefit himself or…
12 March 2014
Did the Sahabah make salam again if a tree came between them?
Question Is there any Hadith which mentions that the Sahabah (radiyallahu 'anhum) made salam again after walking round a tree?