13 February 2020
The punishment for learning the Quran but not practising upon it
Question Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said about a dream he had: "The man whose head was being crushed by a rock was someone who learnt the Quran but then cast it aside it and slept through…
7 February 2020
Some Hadiths reported by Fatimah (radiyallahu ‘anha)
Question Can you please cite some Hadiths reported by Sayyidah Fatimah (radiyallahu 'anha), the daughter of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)?
27 January 2020
Responding to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) immediately
Question Is there a Hadith that states that a Sahabi (radiyallahu 'anhu) was rebuked for not answering Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) when he was summoned as he was engaged in Salah?
23 January 2020
Is there any extra virtue for reciting Surah Muzzammil?
Question Are there any virtues mentioned in Hadith for reciting Surah Muzzammil?
21 January 2020
Allah averts punishment when children learn Quran
Question What is the status of this narration? ثابت بن عجلان الأنصاري قال: كان يقال: إن الله ليريد العذاب بأهل الأرض، فإذا سمع تعليم الصبيان الحكمة، صرف ذلك عنهم قال مروان: يعني بالحكمة: القرآن.……
16 January 2020
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) rectifying a Sahabi reciting Quran
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith? يا أبي قوم لسانه وعلمه فإنك مأجور فإن الذي أنزله لم يلحن فيه، ولا الذي أنزل به، ولا الذي أنزل عليه، فإنه قرآن عربي مبين I wanted to know if…
19 December 2019
The example of one who learns the Quran and recites is like a bag of musk
Question What is the level of authenticity of this Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Learn the Quran and then recite it. For the likeness of the one who learnt the Quran, recited it,…
9 December 2019
Authenticity of the Hadith regarding the people of Allah and His special servants
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The people of the Quran they are the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him."
4 December 2019
Speak less except when it comes to nine things
Question Is this statement reliable? عن الربيع بن خثيم، قال: أقلوا الكلام إلا بتسع: تسبيح، وتهليل، وتكبير، وتحميد، وسؤالك الخير، وتعوذك من الشر، وأمرك بالمعروف، ونهيك عن المنكر، وقراءة القرآن……
29 November 2019
Surah Kafirun is equivalent to quarter of the Quran
Question Can this narration be quoted? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever recites 'Qul Ya Ayyuhal-Kafirun' [the entire Surah], it equals a quarter (1/4) of the Quran for him."
29 November 2019
The best among you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it
Question Is this famous Hadith on the virtue of learning and teaching the Quran authentic? The best among you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it
4 November 2019
A narration regarding the recital of Quran
Question What is the reference for this narration? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Recite the Quran as long as your hearts are focused [agree on the interpretation] and when you lose…
31 October 2019
Authenticity of the Hadith regarding the Verse which displays Allah’s power and strength
Question Please verify the authenticity of the Hadith you have answered here regarding the Verse that displays Allah's power and strength.
18 October 2019
The Verse which displays Allah’s power and strength
Question In the Hadith, which Verse of the Quran has been mentioned as the Verse of 'Izz (عزّ)?
14 October 2019
The virtue of the last three Verses of Surah Saffat
Question Kindly provide a Hadith mentioning the virtue regarding the following last three Verses of Surah Saffat: سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين……