8 May 2014
Virtues of saying Subhanallahi Wal Hamdulillah
Question Kindly inform if the following -regarding the third kalimah- are from the Hadith, and provide their references: 1) The words Subhanallahi wal Hamdulillah.. is such a great medicine that it…
23 April 2014
When to recite the Sunnah du’as after Salah
Question Should one read the Masnun du'as immediately after the Fard Salah or read the Sunnah Salah first and then read all the Masnun du'as?
23 April 2014
Hadith on pride
Question Is there a Hadith, wherein Rasulullah (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned that if a person has an atom of pride, he will be deprived of even the fragrance of Jannah, whereas the…
16 April 2014
There is none who loves to be praised more than Allah Ta’ala
Question How authentic is the following Hadith and what is the translation? ما أحد أحب إليه المدح من الله
8 April 2014
One virtue of replying to the Adhan
Question Please verify if this is authentic: "When a person hears and replies to the adhan, then reads the du'a after adhan and radina billahi rabba…, he gets two million virtues. And if a lady in…