2 December 2016
A virtue of sitting in the company of Scholars?
Question What is the authenticity of the narration, "Whoever sits in company of a religious Scholar it is as though he has sat with a Nabi"
22 November 2016
Sending salutations [durud] protects a person from sins being recorded?
Question I have come across a narration which states that whoever sends salutations [durud] upon Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once, Allah Ta'ala commands the Angels who record his deeds not to…
9 November 2016
Carrying out good deeds protects one from an evil death
Question Can you translate the following Hadith and provide the authenticity? صنائع المعروف تقي مصارع السوء وصدقة السر تطفئ غضب الرب وصلة الرحم تزيد في العمر……
18 October 2016
As you are, so will be the rulers that will soon be set over you
Question Please provide the reference for this Hadith: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "As you are (as far as your actions are), so will be the rulers that will soon be set over you."
10 October 2016
Reciting Bismillah together with Surah Fatihah
Question I heard of a Hadith stating that reciting Bismillah jointly with Surah Fatihah has special rewards and virtues. What is the Hadith and is it authentic?
27 September 2016
Another Hadith on facing the qiblah in gatherings
Question Is the following narration reliable? أكرم المجالس ما استقبل به القبلة 'The most noble gathering is that gathering which is facing the qiblah'
26 September 2016
The enormous stature of the earlier Hadith Masters
Question If a Hadith in Tirmidhi has been declared hasan sahih by Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) but declared weak by contemporary 'Ulama after scrutinising the chain. Which ruling would be given…
13 August 2016
A Hadith stating ‘Those who send abundant salutations [durud] will be under the shade of the ‘Arsh’
Question I have heard that there will be three categories of people on the day of Qiyamah whom will be under the shade of the 'Arsh [Throne] of Allah Ta'ala. One of them are those who sent abundant…
17 February 2016
The sanctity of the graveside of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)
Question I would like to query regarding a certain quotation in Fadail Haj wherein it is stated that the soil touching the mubarak body of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is superior to the…
2 September 2015
An unreliable incident regarding the strength of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question It is said at the battle of Khaybar, Sayyiduna Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) lifted a heavy door and used it a shield. After the battle it took forty Sahabah to pick it up. Is this Hadith…
12 May 2015
Unjustly harming a Muslim is like destroying the Ka’bah
Question Kindly provide the reference for the Hadith that states breaking the heart of a Mu'min is like breaking the Ka'bah seventy times?
11 May 2015
Hadith in Bukhari? I am the city of knowledge, Abu Bakr is its foundation, Umar it’s walls, Uthman its roof and ‘Ali its door
Question Is the following Hadith authentic and is it found in Sahih Bukhari ? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) mentioned: I am the city of knowledge, Abu Bakr is its foundation, Umar it's walls,…
31 October 2014
Sending salutations (durud) upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) when forgetting something
Question Is the following authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: 'When you forget something then send salutations (durud) upon me, you will remember it if Allah wishes'
24 September 2014
Concern for the condition of other Muslims
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? 'Whoever does not care for the affairs of the Muslims is not among us'
16 September 2014
Reciting Surah Qadr after wudu
Question Is the recitation of Surah Qadr after wudu proven from Hadith?