18 July 2018
Seek an excuse for your brother
Question Can you provide the reference for this narration? Sayyiduna Ja'far ibn Muhammad As Sadiq (rahimahullah) said: "If something that you dislike reaches you about your brother then search for an…
10 July 2018
Interact with humans as you would with fire
Question Respected scholars who is this attributed to and please mention the reference? "Interact with humans as you would with fire. Draw warmth from them but don't get burnt in the process. [i.e.…
9 July 2018
The Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) disliked people showing off with ‘ibadah
Question Is the following authentic and if so what is meant by it? Imam Ibrahim An Nakha'i (rahimahullah) said about the Salaf: "When in a gathering, they used to dislike a person showing the best of…
6 July 2018
Shaytan will overpower man in three ways
Question Kindly provide the reference for this narration: عن خيثمة قال: كان يقال إن الشيطان يقول ما غلبني عليه ابن آدم فلن يغلبني على ثلاث أن يأخذ مالا من غير حقه أو أن يمنعه من حقه أو أن يضعه في غير…
21 June 2018
Repenting after sinning is the trait of a Believer
Question Who is this attributed to and please mention the reference? سعيد الجريري، قال: قلت للحسن: يا أبا سعيد الرجل يذنب ثم يتوب، ثم يذنب ثم يتوب، ثم يذنب ثم يتوب حتى متى؟ قال: ما أعلم هذا إلا أخلاق…
22 May 2018
Ja’far’s As Sadiq (rahimahullah) statement regarding Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhuma)
Question Is this narration authentic? Ja'far As Sadiq (rahimahullah) said: "Allah disassociates Himself from those who disassociate themselves from Abu Bakr and 'Umar".
17 May 2018
When ‘Ulama pass away, this is a sign of the destruction of people
Question Please mention the reference for this narration: حدثنا أبو أسامة قال حدثنا ثابت بن زيد قال أنبأنا هلال بن خباب أبو العلاء قال: سألت سعيد بن جبير , قلت: يا أبا عبد الله, ما علامة هلاك الناس؟…
11 May 2018
Three things that remove barakah
Question Could you verify this narration? "When there is wastage/extravagance, adultery [zina] and deception/treachery found in one's home, then the blessings [barakah] will be removed"
9 May 2018
When the belly is filled, then the body will transgress by sinning
Question Please mention the reference of the following narration: إذا امتلأ البطن طغى الجسد
3 May 2018
The intention one should have when giving charity
Question Is this statement of Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radiyallahu 'anhu) authentic? "Your charity will not be accepted until you believe, "I need the reward more than the beggar needs the money."
2 May 2018
Ayyub As Sakhtiyani (rahimahullah) would become saddened when hearing the news of the demise of someone from the Ahlus Sunnah
Question Kindly provide the reference for this narration: "When Ayyub As Sakhtiyani (rahimahullah) would be informed of the death of someone from the 'Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah', he would say it is as…
16 April 2018
Search for sustenance in farming
Question What is status of following narration? اطلبوا الرزق في خبايا الأرض
21 March 2018
Rajab is the month to sow the seeds, Sha’ban to irrigate and Ramadan to reap the harvest
Question Can you mention the reference and Arabic for this? "Rajab is the month to sow the seeds. Sha'ban is the month to irrigate the crop and Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest."
15 March 2018
Those who sin less frequently, fear Allah Ta’ala the most
Question Who is this narration attributed to and please mention the reference? أقلهم ذنبا أخوفهم لربه عز وجل لأنهم أصفاهم قلبا
26 February 2018
Masruq (rahimahullah) explains the sin for speaking lies
Question What is the reference for this narration? عن مسروق رحمه الله قال: ليس شيء أعظم عند الله من الكذب