17 November 2017
Negligence towards Salah results in a decrease in sustenance
Question Who is this statement attributed to? ما من قوم فيهم من يتهاون بالصلاة ولا يأخذون على يديه إلا كان أول عقوبتهم إن ينقص من أرزاقهم……
31 October 2017
Being unmindful of etiquette leads to being deprived of carrying out obligatory actions
Question Is this a Hadith? من تهاون بالأدب عوقب بحرمان السنن، ومن تهاون بالسنن عوقب بحرمان الفرائض، ومن تهاون بالفرائض عوقب بحرمان المعرفة……
27 October 2017
Love for the world is the root of all evil
Question Is the following a Hadith? Can it be quoted? حب الدنيا رأس كل خطيئة Love for this world is the root of all evil
27 October 2017
Asceticism leads to contentment and desiring the world increases grief and worry
Question Who is this statement attributed to and please mention the reference? الزهد في الدنيا يريح القلب والبدن، والرغبة في الدنيا تطيل الهم والحزن……
26 October 2017
Being dark skinned does not affect greatness
Question Is this an authentic narration? جاء أسود إلى سعيد بن المسيب يسأل، فقال له سعيد: لا تحزن من أجل أنك أسود، فإنه كان من خير الناس ثلاثة من السودان: بِلال، ومهجِّع مولى عمر بن الخطاب، ولقمان…
24 October 2017
The peril of studying Hadith without the guidance of the Fuqaha
Question Please provide reference and the Arabic Text of the saying or a similar attributed to Imam Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah (rahimahullah): 'Hadith are a source of deviation if not taken from its……
19 October 2017
‘The one who loves fame has not feared Allah Ta’ala’
Question Who is this statement attributed to and please mention the reference: ما اتقى الله من أحب الشهرة لا تعمل لتذكر، اكتم الحسنة كما تكتم السيئة……
27 September 2017
Sa’id ibn Musayyab (rahimahullah) on the fitnah of women
Question Is this authentic? Sa'id Ibn Al-Musayyab (rahimahullah) said: “I have reached 80 years of age and I do not fear anything upon myself more than I fear [the fitnah] regarding women.”…
26 September 2017
Salah during the day is silent
Question Is this Hadith reliable? "The Salahs of the day are silent/dumb [meaning one should not recite aloud in them]"
20 September 2017
Ma’ruf Al Karkhi (rahimahullah) on the virtue of making du’a for the ummah
Question Can this narration be practiced upon? من قال في كل يوم عشر مرات: اللهم أصلح أمة محمد , اللهم فرج عن أمة محمد اللهم ارحم أمة محمد كتب من الأبدال "Whoever says, 'O Allah! Rectify the ummah of…
11 September 2017
Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) explains how to ward off the punishment of Allah Ta’ala
Question What is the level of authenticity of this narration? Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) said: "The Oppression of Kings is from the Punishments of Allah Ta’ala. The Punishment of Allah Ta’ala…
22 August 2017
Living close to the Masjid but not frequenting it is a sign of hypocrisy
Question What is the source of this narration? كفى علماً عَلَى النفاق أن يكون الرَّجُلُ جار المسجد لا يرى فِيهِ
21 August 2017
Ahmad ibn Harb (rahimahullah) explains how he achieved enjoyment in ‘ibadah
Question Respected scholars Who is the following attributed to and please mention the reference: عبدت الله خمسين سنة، فما وجدت حلاوة العبادة حتى تركت ثلاثة أشياء: تركت رضى الناس حتى قدرت أن أتكلم…
17 August 2017
Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) on fulfilling the needs of a Muslim
Question What is the reference for this statement of Hasan Al Basri? "Fulfilling one need of a Muslim is more desirable to me than offering one thousand rak'ahs of [optional] Salah"
14 August 2017
Two attributes that lead to a man’s destruction
Question What is the reference for this? يهلك الناس في خلتين فضول المال وفضول الكلام