2 December 2016
A virtue of sitting in the company of Scholars?
Question What is the authenticity of the narration, "Whoever sits in company of a religious Scholar it is as though he has sat with a Nabi"
22 November 2016
Abul ‘Ala Ash-Shikkhir (rahimahullah) on the bounty of intellect and a sound mind
Question What is the reference for this narration? ما أعطي عبد بعد الإسلام أفضل من عقل صالح يرزقه 'After Islam, a person is given nothing better than to be blessed with a sound mind'……
21 November 2016
Luqman Al Hakim advises his son regarding repentance
Question What is the source for this narration? Luqman the wise said to his son, "O my beloved son! Do not delay in repentance [tawbah] for death will come to you suddenly"
19 November 2016
Two qualities that harden the heart
Question I have heard the following statement attributed to a Saint of the past. Could you tell me who was he? "Two things harden the heart; speaking too much and eating too much"
18 November 2016
A beautiful way of addressing Allah Ta’ala (munajat)
Question Do these words of munajat come in a Hadith? إِلَهِي سَمِعَ الْعَابِدُونَ بِذِكْرِكَ فَخَضَعُوا وَسَمِعَ الْمُذْنِبُونَ بِحُسْنِ عَفْوِكَ فَطَمِعُوا Ilahi sami'al 'abiduna bidhikrika…
11 November 2016
A father’s advice to his son, ‘Be a better person today than you were yesterday’
Question Could you source this statement? عون بن عبد الله قال: أوصى رجل ابنه، فقال: يا بني، عليك بتقوى الله، وإن استطعت أن تكون اليوم خيرا منك أمس، وغدا خيرا منك اليوم فافعل……
7 October 2016
‘Do not feed our children Haram’
Question Is the following narration reliable?: :كانت المرأة من الصحابة إذا خرج زوجها في الصباح لطلب الرزق تقول له يا أبو فلان، اتق الله فينا، ولا تأتنا إلا بالحلال الطيب، فإنا نصبر على الجوع ولا نصبر…
19 August 2016
Rectifying one’s relationship with Allah Ta’ala
Question Is this a Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam)? If not, who was this said by? لا يحسن عبد فيما بينه وبين الله، إلا أحسن الله ما بينه وبين العباد، ولا يعور ما بينه وبين الله، إلا عور…
23 February 2016
Mercy descends when the pious are mentioned, Hadith?
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "When the pious are mentioned, [Allah's] mercy descends"
26 January 2016
A reward for reciting Quran after Fajr
Question Is the following narration authentic? "One who recites the Holy Quran looking inside after Fajr salah and reads one hundred verses gets a reward as large as the entire world"
10 December 2015
Seek seventy excuses for your brother
Question How sound is the Hadith "Seek seventy excuses for your brother"?
5 November 2015
Saying a durud (salutation) seventy times at the grave of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question What is the status of the following Hadith and can it be quoted? It is reported that when a person stands at the grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and recites the verse:…
29 October 2015
The importance of takbir ula according to a Tabi’i
Question Kindly translate the following and is it suitable to quote? عن إبراهيم رحمه الله قال إذا رأيت الرجل يتهاون في التكبيرة الأولى فاغسل يدك منه……
22 May 2015
The severity of the squeeze of the grave as described by Imam Shafi’i (rahimahullah)
Question Is it true that the first squeeze of the grave will make you forget every warm hug you have had in your life? Is this a Hadith?