When referencing a Hadith, the ‘Ulama sometimes mention the phrase: “muttafaqun ‘alayh” متفق عليه (agreed upon)
Does it mean that Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim narrate that Hadith exactly word for word or does it mean they narrate it with similar wordings and not exact words? jazakallahu Khairan
When the Hadith Masters use this term, it means that the Hadith in question is found in both books; Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim, on the authority of the same Sahabi (radiyallahu’anhu) even if there exists variation in the wording.
(An-Nukat ‘ala ibnis Salah, of Ibn hajar, vol.1 pg.364 & Fathul Mughith, vol.1 pg.75)
Note: This is the general usage for the term.
Some Muhaddithun use the term muttafaqun ‘alayh to refer to a Hadith that is found in the 2 books mentioned above as well as Musnad Ahmad. The Muhaddith generally specifies this in the introduction as is the case in the celebrated book: Muntaqal Akhbar.
(See Naylul Awtar, vol.1 pg.25)
If the introduction to the respective book doesn’t mention this specific usage, the general usage will be understood.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.
Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar
Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar