Is it correct that every night the people in the graveyard are envious of the inhabitants of the Masajid?
You are probably referring to the following narration:
“Every night a caller announces, ‘O people of the graves! Who are you envious of?’ They reply, ‘The inhabitants of the Masajid…”
Allamah Subki (rahimahullah) and ‘Allamah ‘Iraqi (rahimahullah) have stated that they have not come across any basis for this narration.
(Tabaqatush Shafi’iyyah, vol. 6 pg. 318 and Al Mughni ‘An Hamlil Asfar, Hadith: 2010)
Mulla ‘Ali Al Qari (rahimahullah) has cited this narration in his books on fabricated Hadiths and states, ‘There is no basis found for this narration.’ (لم يوجد له أصل)
(Al Asrarul Marfu’ah: 419 and Al Masnu’: 289)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.
Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala
Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar