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1. The classification of the authenticity of Hadiths is based on the verdicts of the Muhaddithun (Hadith Scholars) of the past. We prefer to –as far as possible- to abstain from grading a Hadith according to our own discretion.
2. Since the field of Al-Jarh wa Ta’dil (verification of narrators) is based on individual Ijtihad (analogical deductions) of the scholars, it is therefore prone to difference of opinion. Hence, if there be any disagreement concerning the classification of any Hadith, it should be understood in this light. See a detailed explanation of this here.
However, we welcome any logical constructive input on the relevant matter.
3. It is important to understand that matters such as these should not be a means of discord and friction among the Muslim Ummah. More so in an era like ours wherein the Muslim Ummah at large is in dire need of absolute unity as well as mutual love and understanding.
4. The proofs provided by ourselves regarding any Fiqhi (theoretical) issue is solely for the purpose of proving the Hanafi standpoint (unless stated otherwise) and is to establish the fact that that the Hanafi School is also substantiated by clear proofs and sound arguments. Therefore if there exists any difference of opinion of any of the other three madhabs concerning the relevant issue, we intend no disrespect to them, neither do we wish to enforce our opinion on them. We respect the opposing views and likewise encourage others to respect ours.
5. At times the nature of the question or questioner is such that it requires a staunch approach. This approach is solely to assure the confused reader of the in-exactitude of the questioner.
6. One should be wary of quoting untraceable Hadiths. One should never relate a Hadith which is untraceable, as it could be a fabrication. The warnings of spreading lies and fabricated Hadiths are too severe!
However, it is possible that others may be able to trace what we could not. In that case, the chain should still be analyzed before one quotes it, as is the case with any Hadith.
7. Lastly, admin reserves the right to edit questions and to use its discretion before posting anything.
May Alah Ta’ala guide us all. Amin.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.