11 March 2015
Spending one’s time in the path of Allah
Question What is the reward of spending time in the path of Allah?
11 March 2015
A virtue of spending in the path of Allah
Question Kindly provide a Hadith which explains the virtue of spending in the path of Allah
11 March 2015
Devotion in Salah
Question Kindly provide a Hadith that can be quoted regarding performing salah with devotion and concentration.
9 March 2015
The virtues of reciting La ilaha illallah
Question What are the rewards of saying La ilaha illallah?
9 March 2015
Musafahah (shaking hands), a means of forgiveness
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? Sayyiduna Al Bara' ibn Al 'Azib (radiyallahu 'anhu) reports that Rasululah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "No two Muslims meet each other and shake…
9 March 2015
The importance of ikhlas (sincerity)
Question What is the reward of sincerity of intention (ikhlasun niyyah)?
8 March 2015
Some virtues of Dhikr
Question What is the virtue of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah Ta’ala)?
8 March 2015
A virtue of seeking knowledge
Question Kindly provide a Hadith explaining the benefit of seeking knowledge.
7 March 2015
Preferred Hadith on how to commence important matters
Question Are both of the following narrations correct, or is one preferred over the other? كل أمر ذي بال لا يبدأ فيه ببسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم فهو أقطع رواه الرهاوي في الأربعين من حديث أبي هريرة…
7 March 2015
Translation of a narration on the virtue of Surah Ikhlas
Question Can you please translate this into English? عن علي قال: من قرأ قل هو الله أحد عشر مرات في دبر كل صلاة الغداة لم يلحق به ذلك اليوم ذنب، وإن جهد الشيطان (ابن الضريس)……
3 March 2015
Benefit of cleaning the plate after meals
Question Is it authentic that: If you eat everything on your plate, the plate makes du'a for you?
2 March 2015
Reward for Salah after using the Miswak
Question Is the Hadith which states doing siwak before salah is 70 times better than salah done without doing siwak authentic?
27 February 2015
Question regarding Hadith numbers in Sahih Muslim
Question I read the following Hadith in an email: Sayyidatuna Asma bint Abu Bakr (radiyallahu 'anha) had a garment that belonged to Rasulullaah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam). Whenever anyone fell ill…
27 February 2015
Reference for the incident of Sayyiduna Hanzalah being washed by the Angels
Question Please give me a reference and status of the famous incident of Sayyiduna Hanzalah (radiyallahu'anhu) being washed by the Angels after being martyred.
19 January 2015
Blessings in work done early in the morning
Question Is there any Hadith regarding the morning having blessings (barakah) for work?