23 May 2014
A book that discusses the Attributes of Allah
Question Is there any book in which we can find the Hadiths that discuss the Sifat (attributes) of Allah (according to Ash'ari madhab)? I thought this could be useful against those who claim that all…
28 March 2014
The intention of a believer is better than his action
Question Is the following statement a Hadith? 'The intention of a believer is better than his action.'
13 March 2014
Hadith on women who expose themselves
Question 1. What is the Arabic text for the following Hadith? The worst among the women are those who freely leave their homes without Hijab. They are hypocrites and few of these will enter…
13 March 2014
When entering an empty house should we add something to the salam?
Question When entering home and there is nobody at home should the words 'Alayna wa 'ala ibadillahis sawlihin be added after saying the normal salam?
17 February 2014
Adding ‘wa maghfiratuhu’ to the end of the salam
Question My query: is the words 'wa maghfirah' that is sometimes added to end of the salam from the sunnah. Should this addition be taught to children?
12 February 2014
The Hadith that promises seventy three favours for humanitarian aid
Question I asked lots of scholars about the Hadith: "If one fulfills one need of a Muslim Allah Ta'la will give him seventy-three favours. One is sufficient for all the needs in this world and…
12 February 2014
Reciting the beginning and end of Surah Baqarah after burial
Question What is the status of the narration wherein Sayyiduna Ibn 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) is reported to have recited the opening and concluding verses of Suratul Baqarah after the burial of a…