15 November 2017
Washing the hands before eating
Question Is there any authentic Hadith which mentions washing of the hands before eating?
31 October 2017
Being unmindful of etiquette leads to being deprived of carrying out obligatory actions
Question Is this a Hadith? من تهاون بالأدب عوقب بحرمان السنن، ومن تهاون بالسنن عوقب بحرمان الفرائض، ومن تهاون بالفرائض عوقب بحرمان المعرفة……
4 October 2017
A follow up query on the Sahabi who picked up a morsel of food
Question In the narration where Sayyiduna Ma'qil ibn Yasar (radiyallahu 'anhu) picked up a morsel of food which fell, wiped it and ate it, there is mention of farmers or Bedouins poking fun at this.…
1 July 2017
Preferred wording to use when a person forgets the Quran
Question What is the difference between the following words with regards to forgetting what one memorised of the Quran? Nasitu (نَسِيتُ), Nussitu (نُسّيتُ) and Unsitu (أُنْسِيتُ)……
2 March 2017
Saying ‘Alayhis Salam for Luqman the wise etc
Question Is it better to say radiyallah 'anha or 'alayhas salam for Maryam? What is the case for disputed Prophets like Luqman?
8 February 2017
Prohibition of walking with one shoe
Question Is there a Hadith prohibiting wearing only one shoe?
6 February 2017
Raising the finger when making istighfar
Question Is there a specific way this should be done? والاستغفار أن تشير بأصبع واحدة 'When asking for forgiveness you should point with one finger'
23 January 2017
A narration regarding mending a broken heart
Question Is the following a Hadith? "Whoever breaks someone's heart then it is his responsibility to mend that person's heart"
1 December 2016
Seeking permission thrice
Question Could you cite the Hadith regarding seeking permission thrice before entering times. If no permission is granted the person should return.
17 November 2016
‘The believers are like one building, they support each other’
Question Is this narration sound? المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان، يشد بعضه بعضا 'The believers are like a building, they support and strengthen each other'
13 October 2016
Do not utter anything for which you will have to apologize
Question Is this a Hadith? If so, what is the grading? "Do not utter anything for which you will have to apologize/make excuses"
4 October 2016
What to recite after reading the Quran
Question I have received a message which I would like to have verified. It pertains to the recitation of a particular du'a after reading the Quran. It is preferred, on finishing the recitation of the…
27 September 2016
Another Hadith on facing the qiblah in gatherings
Question Is the following narration reliable? أكرم المجالس ما استقبل به القبلة 'The most noble gathering is that gathering which is facing the qiblah'
31 August 2016
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) and the blind Sahabi
Question I asked a question to a Scholar about why the Tabligh Jamat does not give d'awah to non-Muslims, and he said there is Quranic evidence for the priority of approaching Muslims first. He put…
6 June 2016
What oil did our Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) use?
Question Which oils were used by Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) on the hair?