15 April 2019
The Du’a for Istikharah
Question Please can you give reference for the du'a of Salatul Istikharah and is it possible to have the du'a in Arabic, transliteration and English translation?
14 December 2018
A short form of istikharah
Question Kindly comment on the authenticity of this Hadith whether is it suitable for practice and how you act on it. عن أبي بكر الصديق أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا أراد أمرا قال: اللهم خر لي…
1 November 2018
Leaving out istikharah is regarded to be from the misfortune of a person
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "From the evil fortune of a man is his leaving out making istikharah with Allah"
22 March 2018
Clarification on the pronunciation of a word of the istikharah du’a
Question In the istikharah du'a, is it 'Faqdirhu li' [with a kasrah on the dal] or is it 'Faqdurhu li' [with a dammah on the dal]?
18 March 2017
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would teach the Sahabah how to perform istikharah
Question Can you please help with a Hadith that says Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would teach the Sahabah the du'a of istikharah like he taught us Surah Fatihah?
19 December 2016
The Hadith ‘The one who performs istikharah will not be unsuccessful’
Question Where can I find this Hadith and is it authentic? "The one who performs istikharah will not be unsuccessful and the one who makes mashwarah [takes counsel] will never regret"