27 September 2017
An unreliable virtue of earning a livelihood
Question Is this Hadith reliable? إن من الذنوب ذنوبا لا يكفرها الصلاة ولا الصيام ولا الحج ولا العمرة قالوا: فما يكفرها يا رسول الله قال: الهموم في طلب المعيشة……
8 September 2015
Was Zakariyya (‘alayhis salam) a carpenter?
Question Is it true that Nabi Zakariyya ('alayhis salam) was a carpenter?
4 August 2015
Sleeping after Fajr
Question Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said: ''Sleeping early in the day leads to withholding of sustenance'' I have read the following regarding the authenticity of this narration: Imam…
30 April 2015
Earning a halal livelihood
Question Please provide a reference for this Hadith: 'A man who leaves his house in the morning and works to provide for his family is in the path of Allah'
23 April 2015
Du’a for expansion in sustenance
Question Dua for Expanding Rizq (Provision) اَللَّھُمَ اجْعَلْ اَوْسَعَ رِزْقِکَ عَلَیَّ عِنْدَ کِبَرِ سِنِّی وَ انْقِطَاعِ عُمُرِی O Allah! Expand for me Your provision till my old age and till the…