17 September 2014
A Hadith warning against the Shi’ah
Question Kindly verify the authenticity of the following Hadith: يظهر في آخر الزمان قوم يسمون الرافضه يرفضون الاسلام Translation: Towards the end of time a nation called the 'Rafidah' (a type of…
11 September 2014
A Hadith on musical instruments
Question Please provide a reference for the following narration regarding music, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “My Rabb has commanded me to destroy all musical instruments…”……
26 August 2014
Youth is a part of insanity
Question I would like to ask the authenticity and meaning of the Hadith: Youth is a type of madness
26 August 2014
The modesty of Sayyidatuna ‘Aaishah (radiyallahu ‘anha)
Question I have heard that Sayyidatuna 'Aaishah (radiyallahu 'anha) was not particular about pardah (covering herself) as long as Nabi (salallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and Sayyiduna Abu Bakr…
18 August 2014
Authenticity of a dhikr to be recited after Fajr Salah
Question The Hadith that states that if a person prays Fajr and recites the following dhikr one hundred times before bending his legs, he would be the best man to offer good deeds on earth that day,…
7 August 2014
Hadith on living with the polytheists
Question What is the authenticity of the hadith that says: I disavow myself of those who settle amongst the mushrikeen Is this sahih or weak?
4 July 2014
What to recite at iftar
Question A friend sent me the following. Could you please verify? 1. Ibn ‘Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) said: When the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) broke his fast, he would say:…
4 June 2014
A lengthy Hadith on the importance of enjoining good & forbidding evil
Question I am looking for the correct translation and the reference to the following narration please. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: “What will be your condition when your women…
23 May 2014
Virtues of completing the Holy Quran
Question Are there any Hadiths on the virtues of completing the Quran other than the ones which are for a Hafiz?
11 May 2014
Continuous reward for wudu
Question After making wudu if you pray Bismillahi Walhamdu Lillah the guarding angels (who record your deeds) will go on writing pious deeds to your credit. Is this true?
9 May 2014
The mines of taqwa
Question I have come across the following narration in the kitaab "Irshadul Muluk". Please give me the reference for this and kindly confirm if the translation is correct: Rasulullah (Sallallaahu…
7 May 2014
Sprinkling water on each spouse after nikah
Question I have heard two points in a lecture regarding procedures related to after the Nikah. 1) It is Sunnah sprinkle water on each spouse. 2) It is Sunnah for the father of the bride to go to the…
1 May 2014
Virtue of reciting Surah Fatihah and Surah Ikhlas before sleeping
Question Is there any Hadith stating the virtue of reciting Surah Fatihah before going to bed?
15 April 2014
Authenticity of Hadith: Allah will never unite my ummah upon misguidance
Question Please provide the reference for the following hadith and kindly confirm the translation as well: “Allah Ta'ala will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance. Allah Ta'ala's mercy,…