13 April 2021
Ibn Mas’ud’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding how the Sahabah would receive Ramadan
Question What is the reference for this narration? سئل ابن مسعود:كيف كنتم تستقبلون رمضان؟ قال: ما كان أحدنا يجرؤ على استقبال الهلال وفي قلبه ذرة حقد على أخيه المسلم……
16 March 2020
A Du’a seeking purification of malice, hatred and pride
Question Kindly tell me if this du'a is from Hadith? Allahumma tahhir qalbi minal ghilli wal hiqd wal hasad wal kibr O Allah! Purify my heart from malice, hatred, jealousy and pride If it's not from…
9 August 2017
Abstaining from shirk, black magic and malice
Question Is this Hadith reliable? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, If three sins are not found within a person, then Allah will forgive all his other sins for whom he wishes; One who…
31 March 2015
A warning against spreading rumors and carrying tales
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? Verily, carrying tales and bearing malice are the deeds of Jahannam and they both cannot be gathered in a Muslim's heart