
I recently heard that the narration regarding Surah Waqi’ah being a safeguard against poverty is weak?

Are all narrations regarding this virtue of Surah Waqi’ah weak?

I understand we can practice on weak narrations for virtues of deeds, but I just wanted clarity on this particular virtue.

JazakAllahu khayran



Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu’anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said:

Surah Waqi’ah will become a protection from poverty for the one who recites it every night”

The narrator says: “Sayyiduna Ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu’anhu) would teach this Surah to his daughters too.”

Imam Busiri (rahimahullah) writes: “Abu Ya’la has recorded this with a chain whose narrators are all reliable.”

(Mukhtasar Ithafus sadatil Maharah, Hadith: 6556)

‘Allamah Zayla’i (rahimahullah) has declared the chain of Abu Ya’la as good (jayyid).

(Takhrijul Kash-shaf, vol. 3, pg. 412. Also see Lisanul MIzan, no: 8902)


And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,

Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar


التخريج من المصادر العربية

مختصر إتحاف السادة المهرة:
(٦٥٥٦)  وعن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «من قرأ سورة الواقعة في كل ليلة لم تصبه فاقة أبدا». فكان ابن مسعود يأمر بناته بقراءتها كل ليلة.
رواه الحارث عن العباس بن الفضل وهو ضعيف.
ورواه أبو يعلى بسند رواته ثقات، وذكره رزين، وأبو القاسم الأصبهاني بغير إسناد.