
I was wondering, what is the book Al-Kamil fid Du’afa, of Imam Abu Ahmad, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Adiy (rahimahullah) about? Does it have a section called the munkarat/rejected narrations?



Al-Kamil fid Du’afa, of Imam Abu Ahmad, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Adiy (rahimahullah) is a book that discusses narrators of Hadith who were declared weak by any authority.

This is by and large, a reliable source for this topic.

The author has a habit of usually pointing out one or two weak narrations of each narrator mentioned in his book, as examples of their mistakes (manakir). This is done in the biography of each narrator. He does not have a separate section for this.


Imam Ibn ‘Adiy (rahimahullah) was a student of -among others- Imams: Nasai, Ibn Khuzaymah, Abu Ya’la & Baghawi (rahimahumullah). He passed away in the year 365 A.H.

(Refer: Siyar A’lamin Nubala, vol.16 pg. 155-156)



And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,


Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar