12 September 2015
A strong believer (Mu’min) is better than a weak believer
Question What is the explanation of the Hadith which states A strong believer [Mu'min] is better than a weak Mu'min?
26 August 2015
More information regarding keeping children indoors when night sets in
Question You have answered a question here, regarding keeping children indoors when night sets in. Kindly explain as to when does this time end and when can children go out again?
25 August 2015
Meaning of the Hadith regarding Quran recital
Question The Hadith which states that if the Quran occupies a person in such a manner that he is unable to make du'a then Allah Ta'ala gives that person better than what he gives the one who asked.…
20 August 2015
Those who will enter Jannah without accountability
Question Would you kindly explain the quality of having tawakkul in Allah and its relationship to taking means as mentioned in this Hadith:
19 August 2015
Most beloved daughter of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)
Question How do you reconcile between the two Hadiths on which was the favourite daughter?
18 August 2015
Warning against preceding the imam
Question Whoever goes before the imam in any posture of Salah his face will change to a donkey. Is this a Hadith? and if yes what is the explanation?
16 August 2015
Committing major sins after reciting du’as that promise forgiveness
Question There is a Hadith about praising Allah after eating food which mentions your past and future sins are forgiven. Does this mean I can eat pork, gamble and miss Salah?
14 August 2015
Relying solely on belief in Allah with conviction and not carrying out good deeds
Question Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhu) were discussing 'La ilaha illallah' and whoever says this will enter Jannah. They decided later not to tell…
13 August 2015
How to recite the tasbih after salah
Question How should we recite the Tasbih Fatimi after the Fard Salahs? 1) 33 times Subanallah, 33 times Alhamdulillah, 33 times Allahu Akbar and 1 time La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu…
13 August 2015
Sayyiduna ‘Umar and the plague of ‘Amawas
Question Kindly narrate the full Hadith where there was a plague and Sayyiduna 'Umar ibn Al Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu) said 'We have come from the Qadar of Allah to The Qadar of Allah'. Kindly…
13 August 2015
How is the recital of Surah Waqi’ah linked to protection from poverty?
Question We recite Surah Waqi'ah for protection from poverty, but when I went through the meaning I cannot relate it to poverty. What does it really mean and how does it relate to poverty?
13 August 2015
Virtue of the first three generations of Islam
Question 1. Could you please tell us what is the status of the Hadith mentioned in "Tarih Dimashk" of Ibn Asakir? خير القرونِ قرني ثمّ الذين يلونهم, ثمّ الذين يلونهم 2. Is Imam Ash'ari, Imam…
12 August 2015
Muhammad Al-Fatih
Question My question is about the ahadith that supposedly speak of Muhammad al Faatih. The Ashaa'irah and Maturidiyyah (Ahl ul Sunnah) use this Hadith to show that contrary to the claim of the…
11 August 2015
Explanation of the Hadith, "Whomsoever is fearful, then he should set out early"
Question What is the explanation of Hadith: "Man khafa adlaja wa man adlaja balaghal manzil. Ala inna sil 'atallahi ghaliyah, ala inna sil 'atallihil Jannah"
10 August 2015
Benefit of Tasbih Fatimi
Question Is there any Hadith which states that if one reads Tasbih Fatimi before sleeping one will feel energetic in the morning? JazakAllah Khayran