10 September 2016
Difference of opinion on Hadith grading
Question What should an individual practice upon after being told that one specific Hadith is not okay for practice, although others have said that it is okay to practice upon? The Hadith I'm…
1 September 2016
Acting upon a Hadith which has no sanad
Question Is it okay to act upon a narration which we do not have the sanad [chain of narration] for without thinking that this action is Sunnah, out of caution and with the possibility of it being an…
23 August 2016
The general status of the virtues of Mu’awiyah (radiyallahu’anhu)
Question I have been told that Ibnul Jawzi and Ibn Hajar 'Asqalani (rahimahumallah) have said that all the virtues of Mu'awiyah (radiyallahu'anhu) are fabricated. Is this correct?
15 August 2016
Is ‘Hadithul ifk’ mutawatir?
Question I came across a contemporary takhrij of a compilation of Hadith about the ‘Hadithul ifk’ [The Hadith of the lie/slander] originally done by 'Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdisi. I was surprised to know…
5 August 2016
What is meant by ‘This Hadith is suitable to quote and practice upon’
Question In some of your answers you state: 'This Hadith is suitable to quote and practice upon.' What does this mean? Can you please give a detailed answer.
2 August 2016
The ruling of Israely (historical) narrations
Question In some of your answers, you have referenced some stories as Israely narrations; such as the story of Nabi Musa ('alayhis salam) having a stomach ache and Nabi Sulayman ('alayhis salam)…
3 March 2016
What is meant by mutaba’at of a Hadith?
Question What is meant by "Mutaba'ah" in Hadith? JazakAllah for all your assistance.
10 November 2015
Ruling of the narrations of a Hadith liar
Question 1. Is it true that if a narrator of a Hadith said one lie in his life then all the Hadiths that he narrates are considered as a fabrications? 2. What if the narrator openly makes tawbah…
13 August 2015
What do you mean by: Good/reliable?
Question When you say the chain for a certain Hadith is 'reliable' or 'good' – does this mean it’s Hasan or authentic?
28 April 2015
The ruling of fabricated narrations
Question What is the ruling regarding mawdu' (fabricated) narrations? Can we act upon a mawdu' Hadith?
15 April 2015
Chapters found in a Jami’
Question As I understand, in order for a Hadith work to be classified as a Jami', it must contain 8 topics. viz. 1. Aqaid, 2. Ahkam, 3. Tarikh/Siyar, 4. Tafseer, 5. Manaqib, 6. Adaab, 7. Fitan. My…
3 October 2014
The difference between mawdu’ (fabrications) & extremely weak Hadiths
Question How is a mawdu' Hadith different from da'if jiddan? I have read from ulama that there are some scholars who hold the position of narrating anything so long as its not fabricated. Can you…
18 September 2014
The strict rules of the Hadith Masters
Question I once heard in a lecture that the scholars of the past were very strict on grading the authenticity of the narrators of hadith. The lecturer stated that there are some narrators who were…
5 August 2014
Ruling on untraceable Hadiths
Question I have read that some Hadiths are untraceable. What is the ruling on stories and Hadiths that cannot be found? Should such Hadiths be propagate or abstinence be kept. Jazakallah kayran for…