22 April 2014
Hadith on music
Question Is this hadith authentic and suitable to quote? 'On the day of judgement, molten lead will be poured into the ears of the person who used to listen to music'
22 April 2014
Question about the Maqam- Ibrahim
Question Please verify this Hadith: “The stone is the station of Ibrahim. Allah made it soft and made it a mercy. Ibrahim would stand on it and Ismail would hand the stones up to him.” JazakAllah…
21 April 2014
Hadith on virtue of reading a thousand salutations on Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question Kindly provide the reference and authenticity of the following narration: "The one who recites 1000 durud (salutations) on the day of Jumu'ah shall not die until he sees his dwelling place…
21 April 2014
Women using perfume and leaving the house
Question Is there a Hadith that likens a woman applying perfume and leaving the home to a prostitute. And if so what is the explanation.
21 April 2014
Virtue of going early for Jumu’ah and sitting near the mimbar
Question What is the virtue of coming to Jumu'ah Salah early? And is there any virtue of sitting near the mimbar at the time of the Jumu'ah khutbah?
21 April 2014
Is Cupping (hijamah) outdated?
Question What is the status of cupping /hijamah in Islam? Is it a 'forgotten' Sunnah? In which case, is it's revival a commendable act worthy of great potential reward or would it now be seen…
21 April 2014
Virtue of spouses looking at each other with affection
Question Is this a Hadith? When a husband enters his home and he and his wife both cast each other loving glances then Almighty Allah casts on both of them his glance of mercy
18 April 2014
One woman leading others in Salah
Question There is a Hadith in Tabarani and Musnad Ahmad that says ''There is no good in women's congregation.'' What is the status of this Hadith? There is also a report from Ali saying a woman can…
18 April 2014
Sunnah postures of eating
Question Is there a Hadith regarding sitting in a specific posture while eating? What is the grade of the Hadith?
18 April 2014
Salutations (durud) being conveyed to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question Please verify if this is authentic: When a person sends salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam), then an angel takes the salutations to Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and…
17 April 2014
Isal-thawab (dedicating reward) for the living
Question Is there a Hadith regarding conveying Isal-thawab to those who are living?
17 April 2014
Authenticity of the famous du’a after meals
Question Can you please advise on the status of of the recommended Dua after eating; Alhamdulillahil ladhy at'amana wa saqana wa ja'alana Muslimin Someone said its Munkar (very weak), is this true?
16 April 2014
Should we address the deceased after burial?
Question After burial of the deceased some people give adhan on the grave, they say “It comforts the dead in the horrid loneliness of the grave”, is the calling of the adhan permissible and is this…
16 April 2014
Virtue of performing two rakats after Maghrib salah
Question What is the status of the following hadith? “The person who loves that Allah Ta'ala protect his Iman until he meets Allah Ta'ala on the day of Qiyamah, should perform every evening two…
16 April 2014
Query about the Hadith on being two faced
Question Regarding the following Hadith من كان ذا وجهين في الدنيا كان له يوم القيامه لسانان من نار Is there a narration that has the word لسان (not dual) because I read that in a copy of Zadut…