23 May 2014
Virtues of completing the Holy Quran
Question Are there any Hadiths on the virtues of completing the Quran other than the ones which are for a Hafiz?
21 May 2014
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) leading the Ambiya in Salah
Question Is the Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) leading all the Ambiya (prophets) -'alayhimus salam- in Salah in Masjid Al Aqsa during Mi'raj authentic?
20 May 2014
Who should/could attend the Bukhari graduation gatherings?
Question Can you advise what are the benefits/merits in participating in the gathering of the completion of Sahih Bukhari. Some brothers explain it's an occasion where du'as are accepted and some…
20 May 2014
Were the words of tashahhud recited during Mi’raj?
Question On the night of Mi'raj when Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) met Allah Ta'ala, he greeted by saying the first part of tashahhud. Then Allah Ta'ala replied with the second part, and Nabi…
20 May 2014
Prohibition of shaving only part of the head
Question What is the meaning of the hadith below? نهى رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم عن القزع Translation: Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) prohibited from qaza' (a way of cutting the hair).…
20 May 2014
Hadith?: Behave humbly towards the humble and proudly towards the proud
Question Kindly verify if this is a Hadith and its reference. Behave humbly towards the humble and proudly towards the proud. Your pride will be a cause of disgrace and humiliation to the proud…
20 May 2014
Hadith on asking for ‘afiyah (protection)
Question I would appreciate if you could provide the narration and reference where Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) advised Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu 'anhu) to ask for 'aafiyah…
19 May 2014
How many wives did Nabi Sulayman (‘alayhis salam) have?
Question How many wives did Nabi Sulayman ('alayhis salam) have? Is this mentioned anywhere?
19 May 2014
Prohibition of using haram medicine
Question Please provide the reference for the following Hadith. Allah Ta'ala has sent down both the disease and the cure, and He has appointed a cure for every disease. So treat yourselves, but use…
19 May 2014
Is there any proof for ta’widh (amulet)?
Question Is there evidence in the Quran or hadith that supports the concept of ta’widh (amulet)?
18 May 2014
Correct translation of the hadith on man’s greed
Question In the narration below, is the correct word, "mouth" or "stomach"? If there was one valley full of gold for the son of Adam, he would long for a second valley, and nothing would fill the…
17 May 2014
Assistance from Allah will come according to the extent of responsibility
Question Please verify if this is authentic: Al ma'unatu 'ala qadril mauna Translation: According to the extent of responsibility, that is how much the help of Allah will come.
16 May 2014
“The one who is silent about the truth is a dumb Shaytan” a Hadith?
Question Is the following a Hadith and can we quote it? The one who is silent about the truth is a dumb Shaytan I was given the following reference for it: Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir-Tabarani.
15 May 2014
Verification of Hadith; Soon people will invite each other plotting against you"
Question Is the following narration authentic? The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: Soon people will invite each other plotting against you like how a person eating invites others to…