28 January 2014
Books that discuss the fitnah of Hadith Rejection
Question I received a question regarding inkar (rejection) of Hadith. Can you provide some nice works written on the topic?
27 January 2014
Etiquettes of entering and leaving the home
Question What should we say for protection when leaving the house? What are the adabs of leaving and entering one’s home? What is the du'a to stop Shaytan or Jinn from entering our house? Is there a…
27 January 2014
Hot Food Has No Barakah
Question Can you please give me the exact reference to the following Hadith. I have been searching for it for some time and was pleased that it was sent to me. Nabi (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) says:…
8 January 2014
Reference for Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) making du’a for the ummah in every Salah
Question I wanted to know the authenticity/reference of the following narration. The summary is: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) made du'a for 'Aaishah (radiyallahu'anha) due to which she became…
8 January 2014
Sleeping according to Sunnah yields the reward of ‘Ibadah
Question I have heard that if a person sleeps according to the Sunnah i.e, makes wudu, recites Tasbih Fatimah du'a etc, then he will get reward for doing ‘ibadah for the entire time he remains…
22 December 2013
Hadith on handshake with both hands
Question Please tell me where the Hadith regarding shaking hands using both hands can be found?
17 December 2013
Proof for Seventy Hurs in Jannah
Question The number of hurs (seventy or more) in Jannat for a shahid or a jannati is fixed by which Hadith and in which book?
17 December 2013
Du’a for protection from the hardships of sakarat (pangs of death)
Question Please cite some important du’as taught by Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) for protection against a painful death.
17 December 2013
Is it possible to conquer my Shaytan?
Question I want to conquer the shay tan (demon) in me and convert it into a Muslim. Is this possible?
17 December 2013
Hadith: The Jews were divided into seventy one groups
Question A Shaykh said that the Hadith relating to that Jews were divided into seventy one groups and the Christians into seventy two and the Muslims into seventy three all in Jahannam except one He…
17 December 2013
More merits of Ayatul-Kursi
Question Could you clarify the authenticity of the following narrations on the virtues of Ayatul Kursi? 1. Recite Ayatul Kursi at the time of leaving home, because 70 000 angels will protect a person…
17 December 2013
Virtues of Ayatul-Kursi
Question Please quote some Hadiths regarding the benefits of Ayatul-Kursi?
17 December 2013
Hadith: I am leaving behind two things
Question Could you please inform what is the academic status of these two Hadiths: 1. I am leaving behind two things: the Book of Allah and the Sunnat 2. I am leaving behind two things: the Book of…
17 December 2013
Status of the hadith on the hearts becoming hard
Question I heard a hadith in which the Prophet (sallallahu'alaihi wasallam) mentions that the inability to weep is caused by the hardness of the heart which is caused by the multiplicity of sin…