10 August 2014
Concentration in Salah
Question Is there any guideline for training one's self to concentrate in salah?
7 August 2014
Sunnah way of entering and leaving the Masjid
Question Is there any Hadith with reference as to how to enter and leave the masjid?
12 July 2014
The famous tarawih tasbih
Question Is the famous tasbih of tarawih mentioned in the Hadith? i.e. Subhana Dhil Mulki Wal Malakut...
7 July 2014
Hadith promising huge reward for a menstruating woman
Question I received the following as a broadcasted message, and would just like to know what is its authenticity: "Menstruation in Ramadan. It is related in a Hadith that Rasulullah (sallallahu…
4 July 2014
Hadith on warning of discarding salah
Question Please provide the reference for the following: Nabi (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: “…Do not forgo salah intentionally, lest you should get out of the fold of Islam. Do not perpetrate…
22 June 2014
Masnun Qira-ah in witr salah
Question Is the following found in Hadith? Reading of Surah Ikhlas in first rak'ah of Witr, Surah Falaq in second rak'ah and Surah Naas in third rak'ah.
12 June 2014
Muslims using miswak in a battle
Question A very famous incident is always mentioned regarding the virtues of using miswak. In a certain battle the Muslims were suffering some loss. So the leader pondered over the matter and came…
11 June 2014
Is salah the ‘Mi’raj’ (ascension) of a believer?
Question Is this an acutal Hadith? I have heard that it is a fabricated Hadith. Salah is the mi'raj of a Mumin.
2 June 2014
The virtue of the Nafl Salahs before/after the five daily fard
Question What is the significance of the extra 12 rak'ahs one can do during the day; 2 before Fajr, 4 before Zuhr and 2 after it, 2 after Maghrib and 2 after 'Isha?
30 May 2014
The famous incident of Bilal (radiyallahu’anhu) returning to Madinah & calling the adhan…
Question Please discuss the authenticity of the famous incident of Sayyiduna Bilal (radiyallahu'anhu) returning to Madinah and calling the adhan long after the demise of Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi…
21 May 2014
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) leading the Ambiya in Salah
Question Is the Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) leading all the Ambiya (prophets) -'alayhimus salam- in Salah in Masjid Al Aqsa during Mi'raj authentic?
13 May 2014
Talking during the adhan
Question Is the following narration authentic? The person who talks during the adhan will not be able to say the shahadah on his deathbed.
12 May 2014
More sunnah du’as for after fard salah
Question Please can you advise on masnun du'as to be recited after salah.
8 May 2014
The purpose of the adhan before Fajr in the early days of Islam
Question Is there a hadith which states that Adhan used to be given at half the night in Madinah Munawwarah in the time of Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) so that those in the Masjid could…
1 May 2014
The status of ‘salatur raghaib’ in Rajab
Question Could you please shed some light on the following: Laylat ar-raghaib, 'the Sacred Night of Desires'. It is one of the most important nights in Islamic history for all human beings. It is…