
Is this narration reliable?

“Indeed, remembrance of Allah is seven hundred times superior to spending in the path of Allah”



The narration you have provided is incomplete. The full narration is as follows:

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

“Certainly remembering Allah Ta’ala while in Allah’s path, is seven hundred times superior to spending in the path of Allah”

(Musnad Ahmad, vol. 3 pg. 438. Also see Hashiyatus Sindhi ‘Ala Musnadil Imam Ahmad)


The above is suitable to quote (and can be declared hasan- sound) since it is supported by a similar narration recorded in Sunan Abi Dawud and Mustadrak Hakim. This narration is as follows:

“Salah, fasting and dhikr [in the path of Allah] is seven hundred times superior to spending in the path of Allah Ta’ala”

(Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 2490 and Mustadrak Hakim, vol. 2 pg. pg. 78)



And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.


Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala


Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar