
Could you provide the reference, complete Arabic text, and who this narration is attributed to?

ما حد المريض أن يصلي جالسًا؟ فقال: حده لو كانت دنيا تعرض له لم يقم



Imam Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration as the statement of Maymun ibn Mihran (rahimahullah); a Tabi’i.

‘Amr ibn Maymun (rahimahullah) reports that his father Maymun ibn Mihran (rahimahullah) was once asked: “What is the [permissible] extent for a sick person to offer Salah seated? He replied, “The extent is that if the world were to be presented to him, he would still not get up for it [due to being extremely ill].”

(Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah: 4641)


And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.

Answered by: Mawlana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Mawlana Muhammad Abasoomar


التخريج من المصادر العربية

مصنف ابن أبي شيبة:
(٤٦٤١) حدثنا وكيع، قال: حدثنا سفيان، عن عمرو بن ميمون بن مهران، عن أبيه: أنه سئل: ما حد المريض أن يصلي جالسًا؟ فقال: حده لو كانت دنيا تعرض له لم يقم إليها.