
Is this a Hadith Qudsy?

It is quite famous.

“O my slave, there is your intention, and there is my intention , if you sacrifice your intentions over mine, then I will help in your intentions, and only that what is my intention will happen. And if you do not sacrifice your intentions over mine, then I will tire you in pursuit of what you intend… and only that will happen what I like.”



This is quoted as a Historical (Israely) narration by Hakim Tirmidhi, Imam Ghazali (rahimahumallah) and others.

(Nawadirul Usul, hadith: 737 & 1575, Sharhul Ihya, vol.9 pg.653)

It may be quoted as such, and not as a Hadith Qudsy.



And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,


Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar