4 April 2023
‘Isa (‘alayhis salam), his travel companion and the three loaves of bread
Question Can I get the reference of narration about 'Isa ('alayhis salam) and a man who lied about the loaf of bread? Then 'Isa ('alayhis salam) showed him miracles like walking on water, bringing a…
25 October 2022
Clarification on the pronunciation of a word regarding the haram
Question Is there any difference in the translation of the following i.e. if it is pronounced as الحَرَم (with a fathah on the Ha) or as الحُرُم (with a dammah on the Ha)? «خمس لا جناح على من قتلهن…
8 April 2021
A narration explaining the lengthy lifespans of the nations of the past
Question Is this authentic? إن كان الرجل ممن كان قبلكم ليأتي عليه ثمانون سنة قبل أن يحتلم
3 March 2021
A follow up query regarding a narration on the will of Allah Ta’ala
Question The following has been attributed to the words of Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah). "O Dawud, you want and I want, so if you submit to what I want, I will take care of what you want. And if you…
25 January 2021
Reporting the incidents of the Banu Israil
Question Could you please give me the reference of the Hadith in which Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said to narrate the stories of the Banu Israil?
7 August 2020
A home in Jannah made from a ruby
Question There is Hadith in Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah (Hadith: 35168) regarding a special jewel home reserved for Prophets, and martyrs. Is this Hadith authentic?
21 July 2020
The Kursi in relation to the ‘Arsh
Question Ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) said: "The Kursi is the place of the feet of Allah, and the size of Throne cannot be known." This was narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah in at-Tawhid, 1/248, no. 154…
9 June 2020
A narration regarding Laylatul Qadr and Jibril (‘alayhis salam) and the angels descending
Question Is this narration suitable to quote? عن كعب أنه قال: إن سدرة المنتهى على حد السماء السابعة مما يلي الجنة فهي على حد هواء الدنيا وهواء الآخرة، علوها في الجنة وعروقها وأغصانها من تحت الكرسي،…
13 February 2020
How many people accepted Nuh’s (‘alayhis salam) message?
Question It is commonly heard in talks that only between eighty (80) to eighty three (83) people accepted Islam in the time of Nabi Nuh ('alayhis salam). Is there any proof for this statement?
30 January 2020
A narration regarding ‘Isa (‘alayhis salam) seeing a sinner being punished in the grave
Question What is the status of this narration? مر عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام على قبر فرأى ملائكة العذاب يعذبون ميتا، فلما انصرف من حاجته مر على القبر فرأى ملائكة الرحمة معهم أطباق من نور، فتعجب من…
31 July 2019
A Hadith Qudsi regarding those who obey Allah and those who disobey Him
Question Is this Hadith authentic? ألَا قد طال شوق الأبرار إلى لقائي، وإني أشدُّ شوقًا لهم، ألَا من طلبني وجَدني، ومن طلب غيري لم يجدني، من ذا الذي أقبل عليَّ وما قبلتُه؟ من ذا الذي طرق بابي وما…
12 September 2018
‘O son of Adam, Do not be afraid of any power or sovereignty’
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Kindly provide the Arabic text as well O son of Adam, Do not fear -Hadith Qudsi- "Allah Ta'ala said: "O son of Adam do not be afraid of any power or sovereignty. As…
29 August 2018
A Hadith Qudsi regarding salvation
Question Can this Hadith Qudsi be quoted? قال الله عز وجل لا ينجو مني عبدي إلا بإداء ما افترضت عليه
2 July 2018
The ant seeking rain in the era of Nabi Sulayman (‘alayhis salam)
Question What is status of following narration ? حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ، عَنْ مِسْعَرٍ، عَنْ زَيْدٍ الْعَمِّيِّ، عَنْ أَبِي الصِّدِّيقِ النَّاجِي: أَنَّ سُلَيْمَانَ بْنَ دَاوُدَ، خَرَجَ بِالنَّاسِ…
13 December 2017
‘Fear Allah just as a predatory animal is feared’
Question Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith: "Allah the Almighty revealed to Dawud ('alayhis salam), 'O Dawud fear me just as a predatory animal is feared"