26 November 2015
Another question on amulets (ta’widh)
Question I found different reports about the amulet (ta'widh) and I didn't understand. The permissibility of ta'widh is supported by several companions and great Tabi`in, But I read in a book the…
13 August 2015
Sayyiduna ‘Umar and the plague of ‘Amawas
Question Kindly narrate the full Hadith where there was a plague and Sayyiduna 'Umar ibn Al Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu) said 'We have come from the Qadar of Allah to The Qadar of Allah'. Kindly…
21 April 2015
Loving fellow believers and not taunting them
Question Are the following narration sahih? 1. Sayyiduna Mu'adh (radiyallahu 'anhu) narrates that Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said: 'Whoever taunts a brother (Muslim) with a sin (which the…
11 June 2014
How many Ambiya (‘alayhimus salam) were sent to this world?
Question Were one hundred and twenty four thousand (124 000) Ambiya ('alayhimus salam) sent to this world? Is there a mention of this in authentic Hadiths?
21 February 2014
The basis for the kalimahs
Question Would it be possible to tell me where the seven kalimahs, that we are taught from a young age, are derived from? I guess they are derived from the Quran and the Hadith but how did they come…