4 July 2024
Ensuring privacy while bathing
Question Is there any reference for this Hadith? "When any one of you performs ghusl, let him conceal himself."
24 July 2023
Another version of the Hadith explaining the reward for giving ghusl to the deceased
Question Is the following Hadith suitable to to quote? «من غسل ميتا فكتم عليه طهره الله من ذنوبه، فإن كفنه كساه الله من السندس»
17 July 2019
Washing the deceased with berry leaves
Question I heard a Hadith that says: "Make ghusl of your dead ones with berry leaves." What is its authenticity and reference?
23 April 2019
A fabricated narration on the virtue of ghusl
Question Is there any Hadith which mentions that when a person takes a ghusl after having intercourse in a halal way, Allah will grant him one hundred (100) palaces made from white pearls and for…
24 July 2018
The virtue of taking a bath on Friday
Question Is this Hadith reliable? Sayyiduna Abu Umamah (radiyallahu 'anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Taking bath on Friday takes out sins from the hair roots…
21 November 2017
A narration regarding ghusl on Friday
Question Is this Hadith authentic? يا أبا هريرة اغتسل في كل جمعة ولو أن تشتري الماء بقوت يومك
15 August 2017
A follow up query on the fabricated narration regarding the virtue of giving ghusl to the deceased
Question May you please elaborate on the reason for the narration regarding the virtue of giving ghusl to the deceased being classified a fabrication? I don't have access to the books quoted.
6 July 2017
The virtue of giving ghusl to the deceased
Question Is there any suitable Hadith which mentions the virtue of bathing the deceased?
4 July 2017
A fabricated narration on the virtue of giving ghusl to the deceased
Question I have read that a person who bathes the deceased, seventy (70) of his sins will be forgiven, if one forgiveness is distributed among the whole creation it will be enough for their…