8 February 2024
Fear of hypocrisy indicates to being free of it
Question Is this suitable to quote? A man said to ibn Masood: "Verily, I fear that I may be a hypocrite." he replied: "If you were a hypocrite, you wouldn't fear it."
16 November 2022
Commentary on the Hadith regarding the two exemptions a person will receive for offering Salah with the takbir ula
Question The Hadith mentions that if a person performs Salah for 40 days with the takbir ula will get براءة من النار و براءة من النفاق, i.e., freedom from The Fire and freedom from hypocrisy. Freedom…
11 February 2021
The qualities and signs of an ostentatious person
Question Could you kindly give a reference for this? It is narrated that Sayyiduna 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "There are four qualities of a show-off; He is lazy when alone, he is [only] active…
5 November 2018
Abud Darda (radiyallahu ‘anhu) seeking protection from hypocrisy
Question Is this narration authentic? حدثني جبير بن نفير أنه سمع أبا الدرداء وهو في آخر صلاته وقد فرغ من التشهد يتعوذ بالله من النفاق فأكثر من التعوذ منه قال: فقال جبير: وما لك يا أبا الدرداء أنت…
11 July 2018
Obscenity and excessive talking are branches of hypocrisy
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? البذاء والبيان شعبتان من النفاق
30 November 2017
Commentary of the Verse ‘Those who believe then disbelieve, then believe then disbelieve’
Question As for those who have Iman and then return to disbelief, and then again have Iman and then return to kufr, and then increase in kufr, Allah will not forgive them or guide them on any path.…
2 November 2017
Offering Salah in seclusion and istighfar are signs that a person is free from hypocrisy
Question Is this correct? جاء رجل إلى حذيفة فقال يا أبا عبد الله إني أخشى أن أكون منافقا قال تصلي إذا خلوت وتستغفر إذا أذنبت قال نعم قال اذهب فما جعلك الله منافقا……
27 October 2017
The danger of an eloquent hypocrite
Question Please provide a reference and translation of the following Hadith: إن أَخْوَفُ مَا أَخَافُ عَلَى أُمَّتِي كل مُنَافِقٍ عَلِيمِ اللِّسَانِ……
22 August 2017
Living close to the Masjid but not frequenting it is a sign of hypocrisy
Question What is the source of this narration? كفى علماً عَلَى النفاق أن يكون الرَّجُلُ جار المسجد لا يرى فِيهِ