3 May 2024
Another version of the narration on the importance of acquiring wealth only through halal avenues
Question Where does this Hadith come? يأتي على الناس زمان لا يبالي المرء ما أخذ أمن الحلال أم من الحرام فإذ ذلك لا تجاب لهم دعوة "A time will come when a person will not care whether they acquire…
5 March 2021
A follow up query regarding rewards being multiplied seventy times on Friday
Question I am aware that research has been done on the topic of actions being multiplied by 70 times on Jumu'ah/Friday. However I have found the narration in question in Mirqatul Mafatih and it would…
22 September 2014
A lengthy unreliable Hadith on cure with rainwater
Question Please assist with the reference and classification of the following narration. It has become very popular on social media. The Most Wonderful Remedy Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi…