2 June 2021
A du’a of Imams Ahmad, Waki’, Sufyan Thawri and Mansur ibnul Mu’tamir (rahimahumullah)
Question Kindly inform me regarding the du'a Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal (rahimahullah) would recite while in sajdah: Allahumma kama sunta wajhi 'anis sujudi li ghayrika fasun wajhi 'anil mas-alati bi…
27 August 2020
Imam Ahmad’s (rahimahullah) extreme caution before coming to a conclusion on a fatwa
Question Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) said: "I would spend three years thinking about one question before coming to a firm conclusion." Is there any reference for this quote?
21 March 2015
The wives of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal (rahimahullah)
Question There is a famous story of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) getting married to Ummu Salih who was one eyed but her din was strong . Can you please confirm this story, because Rayhanah (his second…